Oregon Records Management Solution
EQC19790727 Minutes
''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:02:00 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' eqcmeeting Eqc environmental quality commission minutes 7/27/79 9:30 a . m. 9:40 a.m. 10:15 a.m. OREGON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION MEETING July 27, 1979 Harris Hall Lane County Courthouse 125 East Eighth Street Eugene, Oregon REVISED TENTATIVE AGENDA CONSENT ITEMS Items on the consent agenda are considered routine and generally will be acted on without public discussion. If a particular item is of specific interest to a Commission member, or sufficient public interest for public comment is indicated, the Chairman may hold any item over f or discussion. A. Minutes of the June 8, 1979, EQC Meeting B. Monthly Activity Report for June , 1979 C. Tax Credit Applications PUBLIC FORUM D. Opportunity for any citizen to give a brief oral or written presentation of any environmental topic of concern. If appropriate, the Department will respond to issues in writing or at a subsequent meeting. The Commission reserves the right to discontinue this forum after a reasonable time if an unduly large number of speakers wish to appear . ACTION ITEMS The Commission will hear testimony on these items at the time designated, but may reserve action until the Work Session later in the meeting. E. Request for Quiet Area Recommendation - Willamette River between Eugene and Harrisburg F. Field Burning - Consideration of action necessary to ensure compliance with state and f ederal law· regarding field burning during 1979 Variance Request - Request by Curry County for variance from rules prohibiting open burning dumps (OAR 340-61- 040 (2) (c)) Consideration of petition from Deschutes County Commissioner and interested persons to promulgate , amend or repeal rules on subsur face sewage disposal for the LaPine area of Deschutes and Klamath Count ies OTHER INTEREST ITEMS (requiri ng no action) I. City of Bend - Status of Bend sewerage facility project J. Federal Grant Application - Review of federal grant application for air , water and solid waste programs PUBLIC HEARING K. River Road-Santa Clara Septic Tank Moratorium - Whether to continue, repeal or modify Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 340- 71-020(9) as it relates to the current septic tank moratorium in effect in the Ri ver Road- Santa Clara Area of Lane County WORK SESSION The Commissi on reserves this t i me i f needed to further consider pr oposed action on any i tem on the agenda . Because of the uncertain time span involved , the Commission reserves the right to deal with a ny item at any time i n the meeting except Items D, E, H, and K. Anyone wishing to be heard on an agenda item t hat doesn't have a designated t ime on the agenda should be at the meeting when it commences to be certain they don ' t miss the agenda item. The Commission will breakfast (7:30 a.m.) and l unch in Conference Room A off the Harris Hall Cafeteria.