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EQC19790330 Minutes 2 of 2
''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:02:01 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' eqc meeting eqc minutes Eqc environmental quality commission minutes 3/30/79 3/29/79 environmental quality commission meeting march 30, 1987, 3/30/79 Contested Case Review: DEQ v. Robert J. Wright SS-MWR-77-99 Agenda Item No. J(2), March 30, 1979, EQC Meeting Contested Case Review: DEQ v. George Suniga, Inc., (AQ-SNCR-77-143) Exceptions and Arguments Agenda Item No. K, March 30, 1979, EQC Meeting Indirect Source Rule Amendment - Status Report ENViRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION Informal Meeting Agenda 7:30 PM, March 29, 1979 Harrison Conference Room, George Putnam University Center Willamette University, Salem 1. Follow-up to EQC/DEQ Conference, February 24, 1979 a. Proposed new staff report format and content guidelines b. EQC's groundrules for work sessions and informal meetings c. Director's role and staff presentations d. Communication groundrules between EQC and staff e. Necessity for minutes at informal meetings 2. Discussion of issues involved in "banking" of emission offsets 3. Discussion of issues involved in potential reduction of Federal sewerage works construction grant funds for FY 80 and beyond 4. Status of 1979-81 budget request 5. Status of field burning 6. Date and location of May and June EQC meetings May 25 Portland? June 29 Portland? state implementation plan SW-Roche Road Demolition Site Sol id Waste Permit No. 301 Linn County Willamette Valley Region STATUS REPORT: Roche Road Oemol it ion Landfill, Linn County ,~11enda Item tlo. F '·'av 27, 1977 EOC Meetinq 11ariance P.e1Juest: variance request, vallely landfill, inc., corvallis, roche road landfill 1/all ey Landfills, Inc., Corva 11 is (Roche P.oad Landfill) RE: NOTICE OF VIOLATION Permit # 301 Roche Road Demolition Landfill SW-WVRE-79-11 Linn County I Dear Mr. Webber: _ Status Report on Indirect Source Rule Review\ Proposed Amendments to OAR Governing Subsurface and Alternative Sewage Disposal Minimum System Sizing for Single Family Dwellings Agenda Item No. D, D3 and D6, March 30, 1979 EQC Meeting Addendum Background and Introduction to State Implementation Plan Revisions - p. FINAL RULE Adopted September 15, 1978 ADMINISTRATIVE RULE ON STATE PERMIT CONSISTENCY 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose 1. 2 Definitions ESTABLISHES REQUIREMENTS FOR DETERMINING CONSISTENCY OF STATE PERMITS WITH STATETt! IDE PLANNING GOALS AND ACKNOWLEDGED LOCAL COMPREHENSIVE PLANS proposed offset policy in the Medford/Ashland Air Quality Maintenance area. proposed ~lass fiber plant to be established in Corvallis by Evans Products Company. Re: Proposal to amend: 340-71-030 proposed emission offset rule for the Medford/Ashland AQMA. FINAL RULE Adopted September 15, 1978 ADMINISTRATIVE RULE ON STATE PERMIT CONSISTENCY 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose 1. 2 Definitions ESTABLISHES REQUIREMENTS FOR DETERMINING CONSISTENCY OF STATE PERMITS WITH STATETt! IDE PLANNING GOALS AND ACKNOWLEDGED LOCAL COMPREHENSIVE PLANS RESOLUTION ON PROPOSED SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL REGULATIONS DEALING WITH LARGE PARCELS