Oregon Records Management Solution

EQC19780428 Minutes


''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:02:05 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' eqcmeeting Eqc environmental quality commission minutes 4/23/78 envrionmental quality commission meeting april 23, 1978 Hearing Room 346, S1.-1te Capitol Building Salem, Oregon 8:15 a111 A. Minutes of the March 17, 1978 and March 31, 1978 EQ.C Meetings B. Monthly Activity Report for March 1978 C. Tax Credit Applications PUBLIC FORUM - Opportunity for any citizen to give a brief oral or written presentation on any environmental topic of concern. If appropriate the Department wi 11 respond to issues in writing or at a subequent meeting. The Commission reserves the right to discontinue this forum after a reasonable time if an undu1y large number of speakers wish to appear. D. Willamette Valley Region - Report of Region Manage1· on significant on-going activities in the \-Ii I lamette Valley Region -BORD-EN 8:30 arn E. Contested Case Review - DEQ v. Sam Davis et al. Appeal to Commission involving 12 subsurface sewage disposal Permits in Jackson County JiASKINS AINSWORTH >K> 9:30 am F. River Road/Santa Clara Area, Lane County - Continuation of pubIic hearing on proposed order prohibiting or I imiting installation of subsurface sewage disposal systems within the River Road-Santa Clara Area, Lane County G. NPDES July I, 1977 Compliance Date - Request for approval of Stipulated BOLTON H. Consent Orders for NPDES permittees not meeting July 1, 1977 compliance date Health Hazard Annexations - Certification of plans for sewerage systems as adequate to alleviate health hazards, ORS 222. 898 (I) CityofRogueRiver (2) City of Gold Beach I. Subsurface Rules, Clackamas County - Request for authorization to hold pubIic hearing on proposal to amend the subsurface permit fee schedule for Clackamas County, OAR 340-72-010 K. Motor Vehicle Emission Testing Rules - Request for authorization to hold pubIic hearing on proposed amendments to incorporate 1978 model year vehicles in emission testing rules, OAR 340-24-300 to 24-350 10:00 am Field burning - Discussion of EPA reaction to proposed one-year interim strategy N. Proposed Agreement between the Department of Environmental quality and the Oregon Department of Forestry (OSFD) - Informational Item Because of the uncei-ta1n t1me spans involved, tl1e Commission reserves the right to deal with any item at any time in the meeting, except items E, F and M. Anyone wishing to be heard I •n a? ager 1 1da item that doesn't have a designated time on the agenda.should be at the "·.11eet1ng w1en it commences to be certain they don•t miss the agenda item. The Commission IVill b1·eakfast (7:00 am) and lunch (1:15 pm) in the Blue Room of the State Capitol Building. The Commission plans to attend the Governor's Natural Resource meeting at 11:00 am. If the EQC meeting is not concluded at that time, it may be reconvened at 2:30 pm.