Oregon Records Management Solution

EQC19771026 Minutes


''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:02:08 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' eqc meeting eqc minutes DEQ 144, F. & EF. 10-27-77; DEQ 145, F. & EF. 11-1-77 Eqc environmental quality commission minutes 10/26/77 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE OREGON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION October 26, 1977 On Wednesday, October 26, 1977, a special conference call meeting of the Oregon Environmental Quality Commission was convened. Connected by conference telephone call were Commission Chairman Joe B. Richards, Vice Chairman Grace S. Phinney, and Jacklyn Hallock. Commissioners Ronald Somers and Albert Densmore were not available for the call. Connected at Department offices were Peter Mcswain, Hearing Officer, and members of the Department staff. READOPTION OF OAR 340-71-020(7) RELATING TO CLATSOP PLAINS Mr. Mcswain explained that the purpose of this conference call meeting was for some housekeeping measures. He said that due to the failure to file the proposed amendments to OAR 340-71-020(7) with the Legislative Counsel prior to their adoption on October 21, 1977, the Commission would have to readopt those amendments. Further, he said that due to an oversight in the amendments adopted on October 21, 1977, the Department wished to now amend 340-71-020(7) (c) (C) (e) to read as fol lows: (e) The restrictions set forth in paragraphs (B) through (E) of subsection (b) and in subsection (c) above shall not apply to prohibit permits for systems to serve one single family dwelling per parcel of land of less than one acre if such parcel's legal description was on file in the deed records of Clatsop County prior to April 2, 1977, either as a result of conveyance or as part of a platted subdivision. It was MOVED by Commissioner Phinney, seconded by Commissioner Hallock and carried unanimously that OAR 340-71-020(7) be readopted, including the amendment presented by Mr. McSwain. SNOWMOBILE REGULATION AMENDMENTS It was MOVED by Commissioner Phinney, seconded by Commissioner Hallock and carried unanimously that Table A of OAR 340-35-025 be amended as fol lows: Vehicle Type Snowmobiles as defined in ORS 481.048 Effective For 1975 Model 1976-[ +978] 1979 Models after 1979 Maximum Noise Level dBA 32 78 75 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ~(f ··-~"-"o'J..-1:~:,,,,"'-' . ..J Carol A. Splettstaszer Recording Secretary