Oregon Records Management Solution
EQC1977042 Minutes
''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:02:10 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' eqc meeting DEQ 135, f. & ef. 6-7-77 DEQ 137, f. & ef. 6-10-77 Eqc environmental quality commission minutes 4/22/77 Environmental Quality Commission Meeting April 22, 1977 Salem City Council Chambers City Hall, 555 Liberty St., S.E. Salem, Oregon 9:00 a.m. A. Minutes of April 1, 1977 EQC Meeting B. Monthly Activity Report for March 1977 C. Tax Credit Applications PUBLIC FORUM - Opportunity for any citizen to give a brief oral or written presentation on any environmental topic of concern. If appropriate the Department will respond to issues in writing or at a subsequent meeting. The Corcunission reserves the right to discontinue this forum after a reasonable time if an unduly large number of speakers wish to appear. 9:30 a.m. D. Martin Marietta, The Dalles - Consideration of new proposal for Air Contaminant Permit for aluminum plant 10:00 a.m. E. Contested Case Review - DEQ vs Robert Wright, review of Hearing Officer's ruling regarding enforcement actions pertaining to a septic tank installation 10:15 a.m. F. Jeld Wen Co., Klamath Falls - Request for variance from open burning rules, OAR 340-23-025 through 23-050 (Borden) 10:30 a.m. G. Hudspeth Lumber Co., John Day - Reconsideration of request for variance from Air Quality emission limitation regulations 10:45 a.m. H. Petition for Rule Amendments - Consideration of petition to amend rules governing noise from snowmobiles, OAR 340-35-035 (Hector) Deferred to 5/27 meeting I. Noise Control Rules - Consideration of adoption of proposed amendments to OAR 340-35-030, Tables B and D, NPCS-21 and 340-35-035 J. Field Burning - Authorization for public hearing to consider amending the rules allocating acreage to be opened burned, OAR 340-26-013 K. Water Quality Program - Status Report on 208/Water Quality Management Planning Program L. Subsurface Sewage Disposal Rules - Staff report on Geographic Region Rule B, OAR 340-71-030 M. Kraft Pulp Mill Rules - Consideration of adoption of proposed amendments to OAR 340-25-150 through 25-200 Because of the uncertain time spans involved, the Commission reserves the right to deal with any item, except items D,E,F,G & H at any time in the meeting. Anyone wishing to be heard on an agenda item that doesn't have a designated time on the agenda should be at the meeting when it commences to be certain they don't miss the agenda item. The Commission will breakfast (7:30 a.m.) at Johnston's Pancake House, 3135 Commercial, S.E. Salem, and lunch at the Holiday Inn, 745 Commercial, S.E., Salem (Cascade Room).