Oregon Records Management Solution
EQC19770812 Minutes
''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:02:11 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' eqcmeeting Eqc environmental quality commission minutes 8/12/77 MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE OREGON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION August 12, 1977 At 3:15 p.m., Friday, August 12, 1977, a special conference telephone call meeting was convened of the Oregon Environmental Quality Commission. Connected by conference telephone call were Commission members: Dr. Grace Phinney, Vice-Chairman; Mrs. Jacklyn Hallock; Mr. Ronald Somers; and Mr. Albert Densmore. Chairman Joe Richards was not available for the conference call. Present at DEQ offices on behalf of the Department were its Director, Mr. William Young, and several members of the Department's staff. Approval of Resolution Authorizing Sale of Pollution Control Bonds Mr. George Lee of the Department's Administrative Services Division, informed the Commission of an addition in the Resolution on page 2, paragraph l, line 4, insert between "taxes" and"," the following sentence: " ..• and other monies available to pay the debt service on the bonds ... " Commissioner Somers MOVED, Commissioner Hallock seconded, and it was carried unanimously that the Resolution Authorizing Sale of Pollution Control Bonds be approved with amendment. Field Burning Hardship Grants Mr. E. J. Weathersbee, Administrator of the Air Quality Division, told the Commission that the Department had received 15 requests for applications for hardship grants, and 5 completed requests had been returned. Mr. Weathersbee said that of the 5 requests, 4 totalled 250 acres and one totalled 385 acres by itself. Mr. Weathersbee said that Mr. Scott Freeburn had been reviewing the requests and so far had none to recommend for approval. Mr. Weathersbee said that the Department felt the applicants had not demonstrated extreme hardship above and beyond the normal problems occurring from not burning grass seed fields. Mr. Weathersbee said that if the Department proposed to deny the applications, they would send the applicant notice and the applicant would have a right to appeal. Mr. Weathersbee said that no action was needed by the Commission at this time. Commissioner Somers asked Mr. Scott Freeburn of the Department's Air Quality Division, if the permits were denied, would the Commision hear the appeal as a quasi-judicial body. Mr. Freeburn said that under the current procedures, it would be an informal hearing. Commissioner Phinney asked that final copies of the field burning bill be sent to the EQC members. Mr. Freeburn said that if the staff approved the applications then they would come to the Commission for final approval; and if they were denied the staff would see if the applicant wanted an appeal hearing. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, ~~·~ C9rol A. Splettstaszer Recording Secretary