Oregon Records Management Solution

EQC19770331 Minutes


''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:02:12 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' eqcmeeting Eqc environmental quality commission minutes 3/31/77 Environmental Quality Commission ROBERT W. STRAUB 1234 S.W. MORRISON STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON 97205 PHONE (503) 229-5696 FROM: Environmental Quality Commission Director SUBJECT: March 31, 1977 EQC Meeting Clatsop Plains Area INTRODUCTION: On April 24, 1970, the Environmental Quality Commission adopted a Resolution Regarding the Beach Area North of Seaside, Oregon, in Clatsop County. This Resolution placed a moratorium on future high density developments using subsurface sewage or privately owned sewage treatment plants in the Clatsop Plains area. The primary purpose of this action was to protect a vast natural aquifer located beneath the sand dune complex. The Resolution was to remain in effect until a master plan of sewage collection, treatment and management for the SeasideGearhart- Sunset Lake-Cullaby Lake-Fort Stevens-WarrentonHammond area had been implemented. The moratorium still allowed development for up to five families on those tax lots created prior to April 24, 1970. Subsequent to the Resolution, Clatsop County authorized the engineering firm of CH2M/Hill to do a master sewerage study. The EQC authorized a $125,000 loan to Clatsop County from the Department .,