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''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:02:13 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' eqc meeting eqc minutes DEQ 124, F. 10-29-76, EF. 11-1-76 DEQ 119, f. & ef. 9-1-76 DEQ 121, f. & ef. 9-3-76 DEQ 122, f. & ef. 9-13-76 Eqc environmental quality commission minutes 8/27/76 9:00 a.m. AGENDA Environmental Quality Commission Meeting august 27, 1976 602 Multnomah County Courthouse 1021 S.W. Fourth Portland, Oregon 97201 A. Minutes of July 30, 1976, EQC Meeting B. Monthly Activity Report for July, 1976 C. Tax Credit Applications D. recommendations for Bid Award - Request for Proposal for Disposal of Alkali Lake Pesticide Residues R. Brown E. reconsideration of Adoption as a Permanent Rule the Temporary Rule Changing Fee Schedules for Subsurface Sewage Disposal Permits and Site Evaluations in Jackson County F Request for Authorization to Conduct Public Hearings on Proposed Addition to OAR Chapter 340, Division 7, Subsurface and Alternative Sewage Disposal, Proposed Geographic Region Rule B (pertaining to use of fill sand in constructing subsurface disposal systems) J. Osborne ' G. authorization for Public Hearing to Consider Amending OAR Chapter 340, Sections 25-305 through 25-325 Pertaining to Veneer Dryer Emissions F. Skirvin consideration of Adoption of Revisions to OAR Chapter 340, Sections 35-025 through 35-030 Pertaining to Motor Vehicle Noise Standards J. Hector Consideration of Adoption of Revisions to OAR Chapter 340, Sections 24-320 through 24-330 Pertaining to Motor Vehicle Inspection Standards Householder Ron consideration of Adoption of Revised Rules Governing Administrative Procedures, OAR Chapter 340, Section 11-005 et. seq. p. Mc.Swain Contested Case Review - DEQ vs. randall taylor Noise Control Program - Current and Projected Status J. Hector M. Discussion of Costs of Indirect Source Compliance Measures T. George --~----------~ ·-------------------------------------~-------------------------- Because of the uncertain time spans i nvo 1 ved, the Cammi ss ion reserves the right to deal with any item, ·except Item K, at any time in the meeting. The Cammi ss ion wi 11 breakfast at the Trees Restaurant in the Partl and Hilton Hotel at 7:30 a.m.