Oregon Records Management Solution
EQC19751212 Minutes
''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:02:15 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' eqc meeting DEQ 106, f. & ef. 12-29-75 DEQ 102, F. & EF. 12-18-75 DEQ 103, F. & EF. 12-18-75 DEQ 104, f. & ef. 12-26-75 eqc minutes Eqc environmental quality commission minutes 12/12/75 9:00 a.m. AGENDA PUBLIC MEETING Oregon Environmental Quality Conunission December 12, 1975 Multnomah County Courthouse - Room 602 1021 S.W. Fourth - Portland, Oregon A. Minutes of October 24, 1975 EQC Meeting B. October 1975 Program Activity Report C. Tax Credit Applications D. Rule Adoption 10:00 a.m. 1) Permanent rule to succeed temporary rule allowing beneficial uses of vehicle parts in waters of the state 2) Permanent rule to succeed temporary rule exempting certain subsurface sewage disposal facilities from surety bond requirements 3) Consideration of rule prohibiting construction of new subsurface sewage disposal systems in Kingston Heights and Princeton Heights subdivisions, Benton County E. PUBLIC HEARING 11:00 a.m. 1) To adopt temporary agricultural burning rules as permanent 2) To consider rules for certification of and emissions standards for alternate methods to open field burning (including field sanitizers and propane flamers) F. PUBLIC HEARING - To consider amendments to the rules of procedure and fee schedule for Air Contaminant Discharge Permits G. PGE Turbine Generating Plants 1) Bethel Installation - Proposed Air Contaminant Discharge Permit including amendments suggested by EQC on October 24 2) Harborton installation - Consideration of renewal of Air Contaminant Discharge Permit H. Authorization for Public Hearing on Revision for Rules Governing Administrative Procedure I. Petition to Amend OAR Chapter 340, Section 72-015, (Authorization for Public Hearing) . Note; Because of the uncertain time spans involved, the Conunission reserves the right to deal with any item, except items E and F, at any time in the meeting. The Commission will be meeting for breakfast at the Hilton Trees at 7:30 a.m. and any of the items above may be discussed. Lunch will be at the Hilton Trees only if the meeting extends into the afternoon. The Conunission is expected to present the CUP awards approved at the Septen1ber meeting.