Oregon Records Management Solution

EQC19750715 Minutes


''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:02:17 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' eqcmeeting Eqc environmental quality commission minutes 7/15/75 MINUTES OF SPECIAL MEETING OF THE OREGON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALIT't COMMISSION July 15, 1975 Pursuant to required notice and publication, the Environmental Quality Commission called to order a special meeting on Tuesday, July 15, 1975. The meeting was convened in the Auditorium of the Armond Larive Junior High School, 199 East Ridgeway Avenue, Hermiston, Oregon. Commissioners present included Mr. Joe B. Richards, Chairman; Dr. Morris Crothers, Vice Chairman; Dr. Grace s. Phinney; (Mrs.) Jacklyn L. Hallock, and Mr. Ronald M. Somers. The Department was represented by Mr. Loren (Bud) Kramer, Director, and, several additional staff members. I PUBLIC HEARING: RE ISSUANCE OF AIR CONTAMINANT AND WATER.POLLUTION CONTROL PERMITS FOR PROPOSED ALUMINUM REDUCTION PLANT: ALUMAX UMATILLA DIVISION Kowalczyk of the Department's Air Quality Program presented the staff report with regard to the proposed permits. A Water Pollution Control permit was proposed despite the applicant's intention to employ no discharge. Conclusions of the Staff were as follows: 1. Alumax proposes to employ highest and best practicable treatment and control of air emissions by application of dry alumina scrubbing to cell emissions and wet scrubbing to pot room building ventilation air. 2. Based on comprehensive statistical analysis conducted by the Department, maximum projected particulate and fluoride air emissions from Alumax would be within the emission limitation requirements of the Department's regulations for new aluminum reduction plants. 3. Based on diffusion modeling by Alumax's consultants which has been verified by the Department, air emissions from Alumax should not cause any applicable air quality standard to be exceeded. 4. Air emissions from Alumax should not cause applicable Federal Class II significant deterioration of air quality limits (moderate growth limits) to be exceeded anywhere off the plant boundaries.