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''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:02:18 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' eqcmeeting Eqc environmental quality commission minutes 3/28/75 AGENDA OREGON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION April 25, 1975 Conference Room A, Human Resources Building, 850 S.W. 35th, Corvallis, Oregon 10:00 a.m. A. Minutes of March 28, 1975 Commission Meeting B. March, 1975 Program Activity Report c. Tax Credit Applications D. Public Forum - This is an opportunity for any interested citizen to brief the Commission on any subject of environmental concern which is felt to warrant the Commission's attention E. Proposed Criteria for Prioritizing Sewage Works Construction Needs for Construction Grant Purposes F. Request for Variance: Cascade Locks Lumber Co., Hood River County, request permission for twice/year open burning of yard cleanup material and other non-salvageable wood wastes G. Request for Variance: Edward Hines Lumber Co., Bates, Grant County, request. extension to operate existing boiler at Bates in.non-compliance with particulate emission standards through December 31, 1975, pending completion of and transfer of operations to new sawmill at John Day H. Request for Authorization to Hold Public Hearing on Revisions to Rules on Subsurface Sewage and Nonwater-Carried Waste Disposal I. Cancellation of Hearing to Consider Adoption of Proposed Civil Penalties Schedule for Noise Control Violations J. Washington Square Permit Modification Request under indirect Source Rules) K. Petition for Declaratory Ruling - Portland Chain Manufacturing Company (Two 350-ton presses near future noise sensitive property) L. Commission and Staff Discussion of Field Burning Legislation in the Blue Room, Salem The Commission will breakfast,,and lunch at Nendel's Inn, 1550 N.W. 9th in Corvallis. Breakfast will be at 8:30 a.m. MYLES MYLES SAWYER BURKART BURKART CANNON SIMONS McSWAIN