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''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:02:18 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' eqc meeting eqc minutes DEQ 86, f. 3-11-75, ef. 4-11-75 Eqc environmental quality commission minutes 2/28/75 9:00 10:00 11:00 1:30 2:30 A G E N D A OREGON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION February 28, 1975 Main Floor, Harris Hall, 125 E. Eighth St., Eugene, Oregon 97401 A. Minutes of January 24, 1975 Conunission Meeting B. January, 1975 Program Activity Report C. Tax Credit Applications ENFORCEMENT (Myles) (Myles) D. Request for Authorization to Hold a Public Hearing to Consider a Noise Control Schedule Amendment to the Rules Pertaining to Civil Penalties NORTHWEST REGION E. Variances Compliance Schedule Extensions Forest Fiber Products Co. {Washington County) Barker Mfg. Co. (Multnomah County) AIR QUALITY (Bal ton) (Bispham) (Bispham) F. Indirect Source - To Consider Adoption of Proposed Amendments {Vogt) G. International Paper Co., Gardiner - Variance Request Relative to Kraft Pulp Mill (Skirvin) H. Banfield Freeway (I-BON) - To Consider Approval of Demonstration Project I. Public Hearing re: (Simons) Open Burning (Brannock) LUNCHEON BREAK J. Status Report on DEQ v. Zidell Explorations {Mc Swain) CENTRAL REGION K. Brooks-Scanlon, Inc., Bend, Oregon -- Review of Proposed Program for Log Handling in Deschutes River and Request for Time Extension (Borden) NORTHWEST REGION L. Adoption of Clean Fuels Policy (Portland Metropolitan Area) Air Permit Issuance (Kowalczyk) Columbia Independent Refinery, Inc., Charter Energy Co., Columbia County Cascade Energy, Inc., Rainier Portland-Rivergate {Kowalczyk) (Kowalczyk) (Kowalczyk) Agenda items which may receive attention at an earlier time of day than scheduled The Conunission will meet for breakfast at 7:30 in the Eugene Hotel's Cafe Royale and for lunch.at the Eugene Hotel's Bib n'Tucker at noon - over -