Oregon Records Management Solution

EQC19741220 Minutes


''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:02:19 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' eqcmeeting Eqc environmental quality commission minutes 12/20/74 9:00 10:00 1:30 AGENDA OREGON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY COMMISSION December 20, 1974 Sweptwing- Restaurant, Redwood Room- 1212 Southeast Price Road, Albany;· Oregon A. Minutes of November 22, 1974 Commission Meeting B. Program Activity Report for: November 1974 --::Mr~ Myles ·-'' C. Tax Credit Applications -- Mr. Myles D~ Oregon CUP Awards--Screening Committee Nominations -- Mr. Cannon 1. Cascade Construction Company, Abernethy_plant, Portland, Oregon 2. Kenneth H. Spies AIR QUALITY E. Authorization:for PUblic Hearings to Adopt Motor Vehicle Inspection Program Criteria -- Mr. Householder F. Motor Vehicle Inspection Program--Status Report -- Mr. Householder ENFORCEMENT/SOUTHWEST REGION Gold Mining in Oregon-~1974 Report ~- Mr. Westfall NORTHWEST REGION H. Public Hearing to Consider Permanent Adoption of Rules Pertaining to an Interim Policy for Approving New or Expanded Air Emission Sources in the Portland Metropolitan Area -- Mr. Kowalczyk L,:, Browns Island (Marion Gbunty). solid Waste Status Report ,- Mr. Fetrow. WATER QUALITY . J. Teledyne~wah Charg (Albany) ~status Report -- Mr. Ashbaker LAND QUALITY K. Public Hearing on Proposed Rules Pertaining to Surety-Bonds or both security Required by ORS 454.425 -- Mr. Spies [over] 2:30 AIR QUALITY L. Public Hearing on Proposed Rules Pertaining to Veneer and Plywood Manufacturing -- Mr. Skirvin M. Variance Requests Mr. Bosserman 1. Boise Cascade Lumber Co., Beaver Marsh 2. Russell Industries, LaPine N. Authorization for Public Hearing Regarding Amendments to Indirect Sources Rules -- Mr. Vogt