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''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:02:28 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' eqc meeting eqc minutes [DEQ 37, F. 2-15-72, EF. 3-1-72; REPEALED BY DEQ 81, F. 12-5-74, EF. 12-25-74] [DEQ 50, F. 2-9-73, EF. 3-1-73; DEQ 4-1993, F. & CERT. EF. 3-10-93; REPEALED BY DEQ 17-1993, F. & CERT. EF. 11-4-93] DEQ 49, f. 2-9-73, ef. 3-1-73 Eqc environmental quality commission minutes 10/4/72 9:00 a.m. AGENDA Environmental 0uality Commission Meeting October 4, 1972 Auditorium, Portland Water Bureau Bldg. 1800 S.W. 6th Ave., Portland A. Minutes of July 27, 1972 EQC Meeting B. Project Plans for Ju·ly and August, 1972 C. River Isl and Sand & Gravel, Clackamas County (Staff Report) O. Authorization for Public Hearings (Air 0uality Regulations) a) Proposed Emission Regulations for Kraft Mills (replaces 1 existing rule) b) Proposed Amendments to OAR, Chapter 340, Division 2, Section 25-105 through 25-130, Hot Mix Asphalt Plants c) Proposed Amendments to OAR Chapter 340, Division 2, Section 25-315 (Board Products Industries) Establishing Emission Standards for Veneer Driers d)· Proposed Amendments to OAR Chapter 340, Division 2, Section 20-050 through 20-070, Parking Facilities and Highways in Urban Areas. E. Parking Facilities (Request for Approval) a) Habitat Too Apartments, Portland b) Port of Portland, Terminal #1 c) City of Portland, Park Block #1 d) Portland Osteopathic Hospital e) White Stag Mfg. Co., Portland f) Portland Commons Office Building g) Port of Portland/Li. S. Navy h) Valley River Inn, Eugene Pringle creek parking structure Salem F. Allocation of State Funds to Regional Air Pollution Authorities for period July 1, 1972 through June 30, 1973 G. Variances Granted by the CWAPA (Request for EQC Approval) a) No. 72-4 Wasteco, Inc., Tualatin b) No. 72-5 Publisher's Paper Co., Molalla Division c) No. 72-6 J. C. Compton, Alder·Creek H. Statewide Solid Waste Action Plan (Status Report) I. Tax Credit Applications J. EQC Meeting October 25, 1972 (Officially Schedule for Opening Bids and Awarding Sa.le of Pollution Control Bonds) 3:00 p.rn. K. Zidell Exp'lorations, Inc. (Continue Formal Hearing begun Sept. 7, 1972) 9:00 a.m. AGENDA Environmental Quality Commission meeting October 4, 1972 Auditorium, Portland Water Bureau Bldg. 1800 S.W. 6th Ave., Portland A. Minutes of July 27, 1972 EQC Meeting (Chairman) 13. Project Plans for July and August, 1972 (Weathersbee) C. River Island Sand_& Gravel, Clackamas County (Staff Report) (R. Gilbert) D. Authorization for Public Hearings (Air Quality Regulations) a) Proposed Emission Regulations for Kraft Mills (replaces existing rule) b) Proposed Amendments to OAR, Chapter 340, Division 2, Section 25-105 through 25-130, Hot Mix Asphalt Plants c) Proposed /\rnendments to 0AR Chapter 340, Oivision 2, Section 25-315 (Board Products Industries) Establishing Emission Standards for Veneer Driers Proposed Amendments to OAR Chapter 340, Division 2, Section 20-050 through 20-070, Parking Facilities and highways in Urban Areas. Facilities (Request for Approval) Habitat Too Apartments, Portland Port of Portland, Terminal #1 City of Portland, Park Block #1 Portland Osteopathic Hospital White Stag Mfg. Corp.; Portland Portland Commons Office Building Port of Portland U. S. Navy Valley River Inn, Eugene F. Allocation of State Funds to Regional Air Pollutfon Authorities for (Patterson) period July l, 1972 through June 30, 1973 G. Variances Granted by the cwapa (Request for EQC Approval) a) No. 72-4 wasteco, Inc., Tualatin b) No. 72-5 publisher's Paper Co., Molalla Division c) No. 72-6 J. C. Compton, Alder Creek H. Statewide Solid Waste Action Plan (Status Report) (Schmidt) I. Tax Credit t Applications J. EQC Meeting October 25, 1972 (Officially Schedule for Opening Bids and Awarding Sale of Pollution Control Bonds 3: 00 p.m. K. Zidell Explorations, Inc. (Continue Formal Hearing begun Sept. 7, 1972