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EQC19700227 Minutes


''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 12:02:32 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' eqc meeting eqc minutes deq 37-1972 Eqc environmental quality commission minutes 2/27/70 ROGUE RIVER POLLUTION Attorney General Lee Johnson was present and submitted a p_repared statement regarding the relative authority of the Environmental Quality Conunission and the Rogue River Coordination Board to regulate waste disposal into the Rogue River from placer mining. He reported that it is his opinion that placer PUBLIC HEARING RE: DEPOSIT OF AUTOMOBILE BODIES IN SANDY RIVER Proper.notice having been given as-required by statute to all interested p_arties, a public hearing in the matter of deposit of automobile bodies in the Sandy River by Douglas C. Price was called to order by the Chairman at 9:15 a.m. MINUTES OF JANUARY 30, 1970 MEETING It was MOVED by Mr. Waterman, seconded by Mr. McMath and carried that the minutes of the January 30, 1970 meeting of the Commission be approved as prepared and distributed. PROJECT PLANS It was MOVED by Mr. Harms, seconded by Mr. Waterman and carried that the actions taken by the Department staff during the month of January 1970 on the following 14 water pollution control and 1 air quality control projects be approved: Water Pollution Control Date Location Municipal Projects (12) 1/13/70 Mt. Vernon 1/15/70 Bear Creek Valley San. Authority 1/16/70 Portland 1/16/70 Jefferson 1/19/70 Bandon 1/21/70 The Dalles 1/21/70 Linn County 1/28/70 Albany 1/28/70 McMinnville 1/29/70 ·Gresham 1/30/70 Canby 1/30/70 Astoria Industrial Projects (2) 1/13/70 Albany 1/28/70 Ontario Air Qua1-:i:.t:Y Control Date Location 1/27/70 Dillard Project Preliminary report Interceptor sewer, Schedules A, B & C Change Orders #10 & 11 Change Orders #2 & 3 Sewage treatment plant Westside trunk sewer Comprehensive water and sewer plan Change Order No. 4 Sewage treatment plant modifications Change Order No. 1, Johnson ·creek Sanitary sewer extension Sanitary sewer extension Oregon Metallurgical Corp., waste treatment facility Coast Pkg., secondary treatment facility Project Round Prairie Lrnbr. Co. Wigwam Waste Burner Modification LELCO, INC., WIGWAM BURNER INSTALLATION Mr.. McKenzie reviewed the staff report dated February 9, 19-70 pertaining to this matter. He recommended that appropriate legal action be taken against the company which had proceeded to build and operate a new wigwam burner at its mill near Mitchell with.out first havi.ng obtained approval from the Department. STATUS REPORT - AIR POLLUTION, PRINEVILLE Mr. Ashbaker presented a staff report dated February 18, 1970 on the progress being made in the abatement of air pollution in the Prineville area by the lumber industry. He reported that in general it appears that satisfactory progress is being made although completion will be about one month behind schedule because of the delay in start of operation of the new Brooks Scanlon particle board plant v1hich will be using most of the wood waste materials. He said the Hudspeth mill project will take several rnont11s to complete because it involves a major boiler plant replacement. It was concluded that 6 months should be allowed the latter project. STATUS REPORT GARIBALDI SEWAGE DISPOSAL GEARHART SEWAGE DISPOSAL CROWELL vs. DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY et al GOVERNOR'S MEMORANDUM TO STATE AGENCIES PUBLIC HEARING RE: AUTOMOBILE BODY REGULATIONS FROM . . AIR QUAJ.ITY CONTROL DIVISION DATE February 18, 1970 SUBJECT: INFORMATION FOR THE PUBLIC HEARINGS ON FEBRUARY 26, 1970 AND MEETING ON FEBRUARY 27, 1970 I. Public Hearing on February 26, 1970 A. Ambient Air Standards for Suspended Particulate and Particle Fallout. 1. Enclosed is a copy of the staff report that will be presented at the Public Hearing. Copies of the proposed standards and criteria publications have been previously furnished to you and will be in the notebooks. B. Ambient Air Standards for Fluorides and Regulations to Protect Livestock and Vegetation. 1. Enclosed is a copy of the staff report that will be presented at that Hearing. Copies of these regulations have been previously furnished to you. C. Proposed Regulations and Standards for Primary Aluminum Plants. 1. Enclosed is a staff report that will be presented at the hearing. 2. Enclosed are "letters of review" from experts reviewing the publication "Criteria for Ambient Air and Forage Standards". II. Meeting on February 27, 1970 A. Variance of Portland Bureau of Parks - Columbia-Willamette Air Pollution Authority. 1. The staff memorandum has been previously mailed and it is not intended to include this on the agenda unless a member so desires. B. Lelco, Incorporated, Mitchell Plant Wigwam Waste Burner 1. A staff report and letters covering this item are enclosed. C. Status Report--Air Pollution, Prineville • . A copy of the staff report requested by the Commission is enclosed. SlJNMArY OF AIR QUALITY PROBLEMS IN PRINEVILLE LELCO, INC. , M.1TCl!ELL PLANT WIGWAM BURNER