Oregon Records Management Solution
''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 11:48:37 AM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' ssa meeting ssa minutes eqc minutes Oregon state sanitary authority ssa Eqc environmental quality commission minutes 5/23/68 State Sanitary Authorit'( 1: 30 p.m. , May 23, 1968 in Globe Room Sweet Brier Irm (formerly Ramada Inn), Tualatin ·suGGESTED TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION 1. Annual and biennial reports 2. Legislation (a) Air Pollution Control (1) Exempted sources 449. 775 (2) i""JOtor vehicles (3) Field burning 476.380 - 478.960 (4) Submission and approval of plans 449.795 (5) Other (b) Water Pollution Control (1) Mandatory sewage works operators certification (2) Per:formance bonds 449AOO (privately-owned public sei..;era.ge works) (3) Delegation of authority for pla.~ approval 449.245 (4) Other 3. Budget for 1969-71 bien.riiu.'n 4. Revision of priority point system for construction grants 5. Tax credit application for sulphite pulp mill chemical recovery system 6. Department of Interior non-degradation policy 7. symposium on Biological effects of thermal Pollution, june 3-5