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''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 11:48:38 AM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' ssa meeting ssa minutes eqc minutes Oregon state sanitary authority ssa Eqc environmental quality commission minutes December 8, 1967 SSAMeetingDOC19671208 12/8/1967 OREGON STATE SANITARY AUTHORITY MEETING MATERIALS State of Oregon Department of Environmental Quality MINUTES QF THE 12lst MEETING Of the Oregon State Sanitary Authority December 8, 1967 The 12lst meeting of the Oregon State Sanitary Authority was called to order by John D. Mosser, Chairman, at 10:05 a.m., December B, 1967, in Room 72, State Office Building, Portland, Oregon. The members and staff present were John D. Mosser, Chairman; 8.A. McPhillips, Edward C. Harms, Jr., Herman P. Meierjurgen and Storrs s. Waterman, Members; Kenneth H. Spies, Secretary; Arnold B. Silver, Legal Advisor; E.J. Weathersbee, Deputy State Sanitary Engineer; Harold M. Patterson, Harold E. Milliken and Joseph A. Jensen, Assistant Chief Sanitary Engineers; Glen D. Carter, Water Quality Analyst; Harold L. Sawyer and Patrick D. Curran, Senior Sanitary Engineers; Warren C. Westgarth, Laboratory Director; Lloyd O, Cox, A. Dale Nunamaker and Edgar R. Lynd, Associate Sanitary Engineers; John Sainsbury, Aquatic Biologist; Donal,d o. McHarness, Assistant Engineer; Charles Gray, Sanitarian; Fred M. Bolton, Pistrict Engineer; Richard Reiter, Ernest A· Schmidt, and Fred G. Katzel, Assistant District Engineers. Houseboat Sewage Disposal 11\'.'. Ernest Schmidt read a staff summary report dated December B, 1967, which has been made a part of the Authority's permanent files. Mr. Meierjurgen q.sked how many house):Joats the 22 moorages represented that were mentioned in the staff report, Mr, Schmidt replied about 675 in and out of Multnomah County. Mr. Meierjurgen asked if the incinerator type toilet had proved successful or not. Mr. Schmidt stated that there had been only a few installations in the last week or two of the incinerator type toilet. He said there had been some older installations on dredges which the Corps of Engineers feels are working out satisfactorily, ):Jut they are not necessarily the resident type of installation. Mr. Meierjurgen asked if the incinerator type toilet takes care of the accumulation of human wastes satisfactorily. Mr. Schmidt replied that they did. ·- 2 - Mr. Meierjurgen asked if there was any explanation of why the seven moorages mentioned .in the report have made no move to take care of their sewage disposal"' Mr. Schmidt said the moorage owners claim there .is no practical solution at this time. Mr. Meierjurgen asked if the reason the hou:;;eboaters were having limited success in obtaining plumbers to do the work was due to no plumbing code. Mr. Schmidt said it was his understanding it was due to insurance problems. If some accident happened while a plumber was working on one of the houseboats, his family would not be compensated for it. The Chairman then asked if the present enforcement would be against the individual houseboat owner. Mr. Silver said that is correct. The Chairman then asked would this still be true if a moorage operator entered into an agreement with the Authority to install an overall sanitary system. Mr. Silver said in his opinion that it would depend upon whether or not the moorage itself would be considered a legal entity as such to bind the individual parties who use the moorage. Mr. Fred Pearce, President of the Waterfront Owners and Operators Association, was present and testified that what Mr. Schmidt stated in his staff report was basically the reason the houseboat owners were requesting an extension of t.ime. He said the Association had requested a meeting with the Plumbing Advisory Council to get a code specifically for houseboats. He said new structures can be plumbed according to codes presently in .force, but to replumb an older structure creates problems. He hoped they will be given permission to use plastic pipe. It is his understanding the meeting with the Plumbing Advisory Council is to be held in January 1968. Mr. Pearce stated that he installed a 600 gallon per day sewage treatment unit which i.s a floating unit manufactured by the Crornoglass Company of Williamsport, Pennsylvania. He said he hoped this system would handle three to five houses. If th.is plant proves satisfactory, there - 3 - is another unit which works on exactly the same principle and made by the same company which can handle up to ten houses, He stated that one of the problems the moorage owners face is that a great number are on leased property. This presents a problem in financing. In some instances there are several government agencies to go through to obtain permission to pump to shore and there are dikes through w)1ich the pipe has to go and approval must be obtained for this. Mr. Pearce stated his Association has been working diligently the last few months to get financing through the Small Business Administration and finally had to obtain the help of the Governor to get this means of financing through. Mr. Pearce stated that the undecided houseboat owners are awaiting word from the Association as they do not want to go to the expense of putting in something that is not legal and will have to be taken out. He said that if the extension of time can be granted many will plumb and will be able to perform to the full extent of the law by September l. The Chairman asked Mr. Pearce's reaction to an extension conditioned upon an application by each individual moorage owner in which he would agree to install complete waste. t.t:eatment by September 1. Mr. Pea.t:ce said if the moorage owners are forced to sign something of this nature, he is afraid they will throw up their hands and say it is the problem of the individual houseboat owners, He said he would rather see a blanket extension. Mr. McPhillips asked Mr. Pearce what the cost of his 600 gallon floating structure was, exclusive of the plumbing and houseboat itself, Mr. Pearce replied $600, excluding the chlorination system, or about $750 total. Mr. McPhillips asked if this would serve up to three houseboats. Mr. Pearce said it is rated for eight persons per day capacity. Mr. Meierjurgen asked Mr. Pearce how confident he was that he could speak for the 200 plus houseboat owners in the Association. Mr. Pearce said that he is very confident that the owners will go to the additional expense at this time of plumbing an entire houseboat to take care of all waste water if they are given the extension of time. - 4 - Mr. L.W. Buell, President of the Hayden Island Corporation, who was also present said there are something like over 100 houseboats in their moorage, and that they did not want to get into the enforcement business of insisting that each houseboat owner plumb his house and hook it to the moorage line. He said they are perfectly willing to plumb the moorage and make it available to those people who want to hook up to it. The Chairman asked Mr. Silver if the Authority could adopt a regulation which would require the houseboat owners to hook up to a central distribution system at a moorage if it were available. Mr. Silver said he did not know at this time and would need to study the matter before giving an opinion. After some discussion it was MOVED by Mr. Mosser, seconded by Mr. Meierjurgen and carried that the houseboat owners be granted an extension of time till March 1, 1968, to either install a sanitary toilet or other treatment method, or that an application be filed by the moorage owner and operator requesting a waiver of that date and agreeing to have full treatment by September 1, 1968. Wah Chang Corporation The hearing in the matter of water pollution caused by the discharge of liquid effluents from the Wah Chang Albany Corporation plant located near Albany, Oregon, which had been continued at the previous meeting of the Authority was resumed on this date beginning at approximately 11:13 a.m. !'Jr. Orval Thompson, Attorney for Wah Chang Corporation, briefly reviewed what had transpired since the hearing on November 17, 1967. He then called on Stephen W.H. Yih, President, and Sam Worcester, Technical Director, both of Wah Chang Albany Corporation, to outline for the Authority members the processes used at the Albany plant for the production of exo·tic metals, the qua,ntity and quality of wastes resulting therefrom, the steps being taken to trea,t or otherwise reduce the liquid effluents, and the plans and intentions of the Corporation to completely solve their water pollution problems. The Chairman ruled that the witnesses need not be sworn. A complete record of the testimony was made by a court reporter and filed with the Authority. - 5 - It was MOVED by Mr. Mosser, seconded by Mr. Meierjurgen and carried that the hearing in the matter of Wah Chang Albany Corporation be continued until July 1968, at a time and place to be designated by the Chairman, that the waste discharge permit be limited to August 1968, and that the permit be subject to the following three conditions: (1) Filing of a report by the Corporation's consulting engineers, Cornell, Howland, Hayes and Merryfield, by July 1, 1968. (2) Such monitoring of both the waste streams and receiving streams and bioassays as the staff may request. (3) That no steps be taken to expand any production during the life of the permit which would contribute to these waste streams over the level that prevails in January 1968, and further that information to establish the January 1968 production base is to be furnished by the Company. Applications for Regional Air Pollution Authorities The Chairman said due to the press for time, the reports prepared by the staff on the Colunll:>ia-Willamette Regiona1 Air Pollution Authority and the Lane County Regional Air Pollution Authority applications could be handed out to the members for review. Mr. Patterson said that the applications indicate taking effect January 1, 1968. He went on to say that under the Columbia-Willamette Regional Air Pollution Authority, there is an even number of board members and they will have to meet to appoint another member. The Chairman said he had received a complaint relating to two rendering plants in North Portland. He said if the Regional Authority did not feel equipped to go ahead immediately with hearings or enforcement, he would want to schedule the hearings for the Sanitary Authority. Mr. Richard E. Hatchard who was present, said he felt certain, speaking for the Columbia-Willamette Regional Air Pollution Authority, that they would be delighted to assist in whatever arrangements the Sanitary Authority wished to work out. The Chairman asked Mr. Hatchard if he would prefer that the Sanitary Authority go ahead and schedule a hearing. Mr. Hatchard said whichever in the opinion of the Sanitary Authority would bring about a solution quickly would be fine with him and that they would cooperate in any way possible. - 6 ·- The Chairman then read a letter from Acting Mayor Francis Ivancie in which he listed the two major causes of complaints as being Western States Rendering Company and Portland Rendering Company. He asked Mr. Patterson if the staff concurs that there is a problem. Mr. Patterson concurred that there is a problem. Based on that the Chairman requested that a cease and desist order be issued for some date i.n Januat·y for all rendering plants in the North Portland area that are creating a problem. It was MOVED by Mr. Harms, seconded by Mr. McPhillips and carried that the waste discharge perm.it applications be considered by the Sanitary Authority at the.ir meeting on December 28, and 29 if necessary, and that the show cause order hearing on Western States Rendering Company, Portland Rended.ng Company and any other major sources of air :pollution from rendering plants in the North Portland area, be held on January 19, 1968. The meeting on December 28 is to start at 9:30 a.m. There being no further busi.ness, the meeting was adjourned. Respect ully submitted, Kenneth H. Spies Secretary Project Plans ,' WPC 120 During the month of October 1967 the following 13 sets of project plans and engineering reports were received and the action taken as iridicated by the Water Quality Control Section: Date Location Project Somerset West S.D. Sewer extensions Gresham Metzger St. sewer Action Prov. app. Prov. app. 10/2/67 10/2/67 10/5/67 10/6/67 Tigard Pinebrook interceptor(rev.)Prov. app. Dunthorpe-River- Sewers for Unit #2 dale Service Dist. 10/9/67 10/9/67 Multnomah Co. Sewers N.E. Prescott Oak Lodge SD #2 Lateral ZA-1-2 10/10/67 Lebanon 10/10/67 Mt. Hood Terrace 10/11/67 Burns 10/18/67 Roseburg 10/23/67 Oak Lodge #1 10/26/67 Coos Bay 10/30/67 Aloha SD Robertson Addn. sewers Effluent Lagoon Norris Addn. sewers Delridge St. sewer Laterals C-1-2 & C-1-Za Lakeshore Dr. sewers Sewer extensions Prov. app. Prov. app. Prov. app. Prov. app. Prov. app. Prov. app. Prov. app. Prov. app. Prov. app. Prov. app. I ! 1 ' WPC 130 I i I tc Project Plans During the month of November, 1967, the follm1ing 33 sets of project plans and engineering reports were rev~ewed and the actio11 taken as indicated by the Water Quality Control Section: Date Location Project Action 11/1/67 Jacksonville Miners Way Lateral Prov. app. 11/3/67 Sunset Valley Cornell Road sewer Prov. app. 11/8/67 Sprin~field s. 7lst & s . 52nd St. Prov. a.pp. 11/8/67 Creswell· 3rd St. N. of F Prov. app. 11/22/67 Portland FWPCA Demonstration Prov. app. Grant - Storm Set·ler Screens 11/28/67 Portland Allis-Chalmers casting Prov. app. dip waste system WPC-75 The city of Eugene submitted the following 27 plans for sewers in one package. They had discovered that through an oversight they had not beeti submitted as they were prepared. These plans were reviewed and approved on November 1, 1967: 1. Alley - 24th to 25th, between Hilyard & Alder 2. Seneca Road - 5th to 1st 3. First Addition to Shasta Gardens 4. Carmel Avenue - Minda to South Rory Orchard Terrace 5. Chuckanut Street, Bonnieview to Crescent 6. Kingswood Terrace 7. Highland Oaks (7th Addition) 8. East Bank Trunk - Goodpasture Island Road to Delta Highway 9. Alley - 22nd to 23rd - Between McMillan and Willamette 10. Monroe Street and 28th 11. Elwing Avenue - 2nd Avenue to Mountain Vista 12. Foch Street to Lassen Street 13. Pearl Street - Second Avenue to Sixth Avenue 14. Bristol and Riverview - 20th to South 15. First Addition to Candlelight Park 16. Southwest Hills 17. Norland Park 18. 9th Addition to Nob Hill 19. 1st Addition to Cambridge Park 20. Mahala Hills 21. Berkley Park Area 22. Churchill Highlands 23. Laurelwood Area ii 2 (Sec. 3) 26. 9th Addition to Ellendale 24. Southwest Hills 25. Hawkins Heights 27. Edgewood West AP-86 PROJECT PLANS AND RErnRTS The following plans or reports were received and pr.ocessed by the Air Quality Control staff during the month of November 1967. Date Location 27 Milwaukie Linwood Grade School Incinerator Action Under consideration