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''Wednesday, August 28, 2019 at 11:48:38 AM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' ssa meeting ssa minutes eqc minutes Oregon state sanitary authority ssa Eqc environmental quality commission minutes November 17, 1967 SSAMeetingDOC19671117 11/17/1967 OREGON STATE SANITARY AUTHORITY MEETING MATERIALS State of Oregon Department of Environmental Quality MINUTES OF THE 120th MEETING Of the Oregon State Sanitary Authority November 17, 1967 The 120th meeting of the Oregon State Sanitary Authority was called to order by John D. Mosser, Chairman, at 10:08 a.m., November 17, 1967, in Room 36, State Office Building, Portland, Oregon. The members and staff present were John D. Mosser, Chairman; B.A. McPhillips, Edward c. Harms, Jr., Herman P. Meierjurgen and Storrs Waterman, Members; Kenneth H. Spies, Secretary; Arnold B. Silver, Legal Advisor; E.J. Weathersbee, Deputy State Sanitary Engineer; Harold M. Patterson, Harold E. Millilcen and Joseph A. Jensen, Assistant Chief Sanitary Engineers; Glen D. Carter, Water Quality Analyst; Harold L. Sawyer and Patrick D, Curran, Senior Sanitary Engineers and Lloyd O. Cox, Associate Sanitary Engineer, Wah Chang Albany Corporation In the matter of Wah Chang of Albany, a corporation, concerning water pollution in Linn County, state of Oregon, Mr. Silver stated that a notice to appear on this date to show cause, if any exists, why an order should not be entered directing the corporation to cease arid desist polluting the public waters of the state of Oregon had been sent by him by registered mail on October 24, 1967, to the Wah Chang Albany Corporation. The Chairman then stated that the record shall show that the show cause order was duly served. Mr. Orval Thompson, attorney for Wah Chang, stipulated that it had been received. Mr. Thompson then asked that the )1earing be continued and entered a motion for that purpose on the basis that Stephen W.H. Yih, president and principal witness of Wah Chang, had been stricken with a sudden illness on November 15, 1967, was still in the hospital, and so could not appear at the hearing on this date. In response to a question by Mr. Meierjurgen, Mr. Thompson said that they would have other witnesses in addition to Mr. Yih. The Chairman asked if the corporation had any plans to employ a consul ting engineering firm to assist them in solving their waste treatment - 2 - and disposal problem. Mr. Thompson replied that they now have authority to employ such a consultant a.~d that they intend to do so. He then referred to the problems that had arisen due to the reqmt change in ownership of the company. He said the Teledyne Corporation in July 1967 had taken over the original Wah Chang Corporation and that as a consequence they are now in a better financial condition to proceed with installation of required waste treatment and disposal systems. The Chairman then said that this cou;Ld be accepted as an explanatJ.on for the Company's delay, but not as an excuse for not solving the waste disposal problem. Mr. Thompson replJ.ed that they pow J.ptended to go right ahead with their plans to abate the pollution. It was MOVED by Mr, McPhillips, seconded by Mr. Meierjurgen, and carried that the hearing in the matter of Wah Chang, a corporation, concerning water pollution in Linn County, state of Oregon, be continued until 10:30 a.m., Friday, December 8, 1967. A record of the above proceedings was made by a court reporter. Minutes of Previous Meeting Following a suggestJ.on made by the Chairman it was MOVED by Mr. Meierjurgen, seconded by Mr. McPhillips and carried that the minutes of the September 6, 1967, meeUng of the Authority be approved with the following correction having been made to the last paragraph: Mr. Mosser then stated "technically I don't think we have any power to approve or disapprove the air quality plans, but I think we should indicate that in our view the standards we propose to adopt and our basic policy of requiring all possible controls on the sulfide and mercaptan emissions, would .involve the points raised in the staff report and in my remarks. I so move." The motion was seconded by Mr. Waterman and carried 3-2. Mr. Harms and Mr. McPhillips voted "no", It was MOVED by Mr. Meierjurgen, seconded by Mr. Waterman and carried that the minutes of the Octobers, 1967,meeting of the Authority be approved as prepared by the Secretary. There being no further business on the agenda, the meeting adjourned at 10:30 a.m. tfully submitted, ./d, t~ Secretary