Public Encouraged to submit written comment or attend the March 14, 2019 Hearing on Proposed Revisions to LRAPA Permitting rules

(LRAPA Titles 12, 15, 31, and 37)

The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and the Lane Regional Air Protection Agency (LRAPA) rely upon local air quality stakeholders in developing key aspects of air quality plans to assure that community needs are met. Feedback from the public is a crucial part of plan development.

Cleaner Air Oregon regulations were adopted into DEQ’s state rules by the Environmental Quality Commission (EQC) on November 15, 2018, and LRAPA is required to apply the requirements and procedures contained in the state rules, within Lane County. LRAPA may apply any LRAPA rule in lieu of the state rule(s), provided that the LRAPA rule is at least as strict as the state rule(s) as determined by EQC (see OAR 340-200-0010(3)). For a variety of reasons, including the scope, technical detail, public input, and expertise that went into the creation of the rules in division 245, LRAPA plans to rely on the authority provided to the Agency in OAR 340 division 245 – Cleaner Air Oregon to implement the rules in Lane County without any changes (see OAR 340-245-0010(3)). DEQ has reviewed the draft rules, determined they were at least as stringent as state rules, and authorized LRAPA to hold a hearing on behalf of the EQC. EPA has also reviewed the draft rules and provided comments.

DEQ and LRAPA are proposing several changes to existing LRAPA rules to integrate Cleaner Air Oregon rules with the Agency’s existing program rules. Some of the proposed changes to existing rules would amend the LRAPA’s part of the Oregon Clean Air Act State Implementation Plan. Please see the Rules affected, authorities, and supporting documents section of this report for more detail on these proposed changes.


Who is affected?  All businesses, agencies, local governments and other entities holding air quality permits and/or required to submit construction approval notices




   Meeting Room in the North Building

     500 East 4th Avenue

Eugene, Oregon 97401


DATE:  Thursday, March 14, 2019

TIME:  12:30 P.M.


A hearing on the proposed adoption and rulemaking will be held at 12:30 P.M. March 14, 2019, in the EWEB North Building Meeting Room. The public is encouraged to comment on the proposed rule amendments. Comments submitted prior to the hearing date must be submitted in writing and must be received by LRAPA by 5pm on Wednesday, March 13, 2019. Comments submitted at the hearing must be presented orally by the commenter. If LRAPA Board adopts this rulemaking, the plan and rules will be presented to the Environmental Quality Commission for approval and submitted by DEQ to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as a revision to the State Implementation Plan under OAR 340-200-0040 as a requirement of the Clean Air Act.

To submit comments or request additional information, please contact Robbye Lanier at LRAPA, 1010 Main Street, Springfield, OR 97477, toll free in Oregon at 877-285-7272 or 541-736-1056 extension 214, email at Fax 541-726-1205.

To view the proposed rule changes online, visit