Oregon Records Management Solution



''Thursday, August 1, 2019 at 11:37:59 AM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' PERMANENT ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER DEQ 14-2019 CHAPTER 340 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY FILED 05/17/2019 8:35 AM FILING CAPTION: State Implementation Plan updates to integrate LRAPA 2019 Cleaner Air Oregon rule adoption EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/17/2019 AGENCY APPROVED DATE: 05/16/2019 NOTICE FILED DATE: 01/24/2019 AMEND: 340-200-0040 Prior to adoption of OAR 340 division 245, DEQ and LRAPA air quality rules did not limit toxic air contaminant emissions based on health risks for people near industrial and commercial facilities. As a result there may have been regulatory gaps that resulted in significant localized health risks from facilities. The draft rules would revise several existing titles in LRAPA’s Rules and Regulations to integrate the new toxics rules into the existing LRAPA air permitting program. The draft rules clarify changes to LRAPA’s definitions, enforcement procedures, public participation requirements, and permitting requirements and fees for ACDPs as they all relate to the newly-adopted OAR 340 division 245. LRAPA is not proposing any changes to OAR 340 division 245, and plans to rely on the authority provided in the EQCadopted rules to implement that main part of the new health-based air toxics program in Lane County. Similarly, LRAPA is not proposing any changes to the Oregon Title V Operating Permit program rules or fees in OAR 340 division 218 and 220, respectively. LRAPA will continue to rely on the authority provided to the Agency in OAR 340 division 218 and 220 Page 1 of 19 to implement the Title V program in Lane County. The rules that are proposed in this rulemaking are intended to clarify requirements as they relate to existing LRAPA air quality permitting rules.