Air Quality Classification of Violations
(1) Class I:
(a) Constructing a new source or modifying an existing source without first obtaining a required New Source Review/Prevention of Significant Deterioration (NSR/PSD) permit;
(b) Constructing a new source, as defined in OAR 340-245-0020, without first obtaining a required Air Contaminant Discharge Permit that includes permit conditions required under OAR 340-245-0005 through 340-245-8050 or without complying with Cleaner Air Oregon rules under OAR 340-245-0005 through 340-245-8050;
(c) Failing to conduct a source risk assessment, as required under OAR 340-245-0050;
(d) Modifying a source in such a way as to require a permit modification under OAR 340-245-0005 through 340-245-8050, that would increase risk above permitted levels under OAR 340-245-0005 through 340-245-8050 without first obtaining such approval from DEQ;
(e) Operating a major source, as defined in OAR 340-200-0020, without first obtaining the required permit;
(f) Operating an existing source, as defined in OAR 340-245-0020, after a submittal deadline under OAR 340-245-0030 without having submitted a complete application for a Toxic Air Contaminant Permit Addendum required under OAR 340-245-0005 through 340-245-8050;
(g) Exceeding a Plant Site Emission Limit (PSEL);
(h) Exceeding a risk limit, including a Source Risk Limit, applicable to a source under OAR 340-245-0100;
(i) Failing to install control equipment or meet emission limits, operating limits, work practice requirements, or performance standards as required by New Source Performance Standards under OAR 340 division 238 or National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutant Standards under OAR 340 division 244;
(j) Exceeding a hazardous air pollutant emission limitation;
(k) Failing to comply with an Emergency Action Plan;
(l) Exceeding an opacity or emission limit (including a grain loading standard) or violating an operational or process standard, that was established under New Source Review/Prevention of Significant Deterioration (NSR/PSD);
(m) Exceeding an emission limit or violating an operational or process standard that was established to limit emissions to avoid classification as a major source, as defined in OAR 340-200-0020;
(n) Exceeding an emission limit or violating an operational limit, process limit, or work practice requirement that was established to limit risk or emissions to avoid exceeding an applicable Risk Action Level or other requirement under OAR 340-245-0005 through 340-245-8050;
(o) Exceeding an emission limit, including a grain loading standard, by a major source, as defined in OAR 340-200-0020, when the violation was detected during a reference method stack test;
(p) Failing to perform testing or monitoring, required by a permit, permit attachment, rule or order, that results in failure to show compliance with a Plant Site Emission Limit or with an emission limitation or a performance standard established under New Source Review/Prevention of Significant Deterioration, National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants, New Source Performance Standards, Reasonably Available Control Technology, Best Available Control Technology, Maximum Achievable Control Technology, Typically Achievable Control Technology, Lowest Achievable Emission Rate, Toxics Best Available Control Technology, Toxics Lowest Achievable Emission Rate, or adopted under section 111(d) of the Federal Clean Air Act;
(q) Causing emissions that are a hazard to public safety;
(r) Violating a work practice requirement for asbestos abatement projects;
(s) Improperly storing or openly accumulating friable asbestos material or asbestos-containing waste material;
(t) Conducting an asbestos abatement project, by a person not licensed as an asbestos abatement contractor;
(u) Violating an OAR 340 division 248 disposal requirement for asbestos-containing waste material;
(v) Failing to hire a licensed contractor to conduct an asbestos abatement project;
(w) Openly burning materials which are prohibited from being open burned anywhere in the state by OAR 340-264-0060(3), or burning materials in a solid fuel burning device, fireplace, trash burner or other device as prohibited by OAR 340-262-0900(1);
(x) Failing to install certified vapor recovery equipment;
(y) Delivering for sale a noncompliant vehicle by an automobile manufacturer in violation of Oregon Low Emission Vehicle rules set forth in OAR 340 division 257;
(z) Exceeding an Oregon Low Emission Vehicle average emission limit set forth in OAR 340 division 257;
(aa) Failing to comply with Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) sales requirements set forth in OAR 340 division 257;
(bb) Failing to obtain a Motor Vehicle Indirect Source Permit as required in OAR 340 division 257;
(cc) Selling, leasing, or renting a noncompliant vehicle by an automobile dealer or rental car agency in violation of Oregon Low Emission Vehicle rules set forth in OAR 340 division 257;
(dd) Failing to comply with any of the clean fuel standards set forth in OAR 340-253-0100(6), OAR 340-253-8010 (Table 1) and OAR 340-253-8020 (Table 2);
(ee) Committing any action related to a credit transfer that is prohibited in OAR 340-253-1005(8);
(ff) Inaccurate reporting that causes illegitimate credits to be generated in the Oregon Clean Fuels Program, OAR chapter 340, division 253, or that understates a regulated party’s true compliance obligation denominated in deficits under such program;
(gg) Making material misstatements or knowingly or recklessly providing false information when submitting an application for a carbon intensity score under OAR 340-253-0450; or
(hh) Failing to submit an annual compliance report under OAR 340-253-0100(8).
(2) Class II:
(a) Constructing or operating a source required to have an Air Contaminant Discharge Permit (ACDP), ACDP attachment, or registration without first obtaining such permit or registration, unless otherwise classified;
(b) Violating the terms or conditions of a permit, permit attachment or license, unless otherwise classified;
(c) Modifying a source in such a way as to require a permit or permit attachment modification from DEQ without first obtaining such approval from DEQ, unless otherwise classified;
(d) Exceeding an opacity limit, unless otherwise classified;
(e) Exceeding a Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) emission standard, operational requirement, control requirement or VOC content limitation established by OAR 340 division 232;
(f) Failing to timely submit a complete ACDP annual report or permit attachment annual report;
(g) Failing to timely submit a certification, report, or plan as required by rule, permit or permit attachment, unless otherwise classified;
(h) Failing to timely submit a complete permit application, ACDP attachment application, or permit renewal application;
(i) Failing to submit a timely and complete toxic air contaminant emissions inventory as required under OAR 340-245-0005 through 340-245-8050;
(j) Failing to comply with the open burning requirements for commercial, construction, demolition, or industrial wastes in violation of OAR 340-264-0080 through 0180;
(k) Failing to comply with open burning requirements in violation of any provision of OAR 340 division 264, unless otherwise classified; or burning materials in a solid fuel burning device, fireplace, trash burner or other device as prohibited by OAR 340-262-0900(2).
(l) Failing to replace, repair, or modify any worn or ineffective component or design element to ensure the vapor tight integrity and efficiency of a stage I or stage II vapor collection system;
(m) Failing to provide timely, accurate or complete notification of an asbestos abatement project;
(n) Failing to perform a final air clearance test or submit an asbestos abatement project air clearance report for an asbestos abatement project;
(o) Violating on road motor vehicle refinishing rules contained in OAR 340-242-0620; or
(p) Failing to comply with an Oregon Low Emission Vehicle reporting, notification, or warranty requirement set forth in OAR division 257;
(q) Failing to register as a regulated party in the Oregon Clean Fuels Program under OAR 340-253-0100(1) and (4), when the person is a producer or importer of blendstocks, as defined in OAR 340-253-0040;
(r) Failing to register as an aggregator or submit an aggregator designation form under OAR 340-253-0100(3) and (4)(c);
(s) Failing to keep records under OAR 340-253-0600 when the records relate to obtaining a carbon intensity under OAR 340-253-0450; or
(t) Failing to keep records related to obtaining a carbon intensity under OAR 340-253-0450; or
(u) Failing to submit a quarterly progress report under OAR 340-253-0100(7).
(v) Failing to timely submit an annual compliance report under OAR 340-253-0100(8).
(3) Class III:
(a) Failing to perform testing or monitoring required by a permit, rule or order where missing data can be reconstructed to show compliance with standards, emission limitations or underlying requirements;
(b) Constructing or operating a source required to have a Basic Air Contaminant Discharge Permit without first obtaining the permit;
(c) Modifying a source in such a way as to require construction approval from DEQ without first obtaining such approval from DEQ, unless otherwise classified;
(d) Failing to revise a notification of an asbestos abatement project when necessary, unless otherwise classified;
(e) Submitting a late air clearance report that demonstrates compliance with the standards for an asbestos abatement project; or
(f) Licensing a noncompliant vehicle by an automobile dealer or rental car agency in violation of Oregon Low Emission Vehicle rules set forth in OAR 340 division 257;
(g) Failing to register as a regulated party in the Oregon Clean Fuels Program under OAR 340-253-0100(1) and (4), when the person is an importer of finished fuels, as defined in OAR 340-253-0040;
(h) Failing to keep records under OAR 340-253-0600, except as provided in subsection (2)(r); or
(i) Failing to timely submit a quarterly progress report under OAR 340-253-0100(7).
Note: Tables and Publications referenced are available from the agency.
Selected Magnitude Categories
(1) Magnitudes for selected Air Quality violations will be determined as follows:
(a) Opacity limit violations:
(A) Major — Opacity measurements or readings of 20 percent opacity or more over the applicable limit, or an opacity violation by a federal major source as defined in OAR 340-200-0020;
(B) Moderate — Opacity measurements or readings greater than 10 percent opacity and less than 20 percent opacity over the applicable limit; or
(C) Minor — Opacity measurements or readings of 10 percent opacity or less over the applicable limit.
(b) Operating a major source, as defined in OAR 340-200-0020, without first obtaining the required permit: Major — if a Lowest Achievable Emission Rate (LAER) or Best Available Control Technology (BACT) analysis shows that additional controls or offsets are or were needed, otherwise apply OAR 340-012-0130.
(c) Exceeding an emission limit established under New Source Review/Prevention of Significant Deterioration (NSR/PSD): Major — if exceeded the emission limit by more than 50 percent of the limit, otherwise apply OAR 340-012-0130.
(d) Exceeding an emission limit established under federal National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPs): Major — if exceeded the Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT) standard emission limit for a directly-measured hazardous air pollutant (HAP), otherwise apply OAR 340-012-0130.
(e) Exceeding a cancer or noncancer risk limit that is equivalent to a Risk Action Level or a Source Risk Limit if the limit is a Risk Action Level established under OAR 340-245-0005 through 340-245-8050: Major, otherwise apply OAR 340-012-0130.
(f) Air contaminant emission limit violations for selected air pollutants: Magnitude determinations under this subsection will be made based upon significant emission rate (SER) amounts listed in OAR 340-200-0020.
(A) Major:
(i) Exceeding the annual emission limit as established by permit, rule or order by more than the annual SER; or
(ii) Exceeding the short-term (less than one year) emission limit as established by permit, rule or order by more than the applicable short-term SER.
(B) Moderate:
(i) Exceeding the annual emission limit as established by permit, rule or order by an amount from 50 up to and including 100 percent of the annual SER; or
(ii) Exceeding the short-term (less than one-year) emission limit as established by permit, rule or order by an amount from 50 up to and including 100 percent of the applicable short-term SER.
(C) Minor:
(i) Exceeding the annual emission limit as established by permit, rule or order by an amount less than 50 percent of the annual SER; or
(ii) Exceeding the short-term (less than one year) emission limit as established by permit, rule or order by an amount less than 50 percent of the applicable short-term SER.
(g) Violations of Emergency Action Plans: Major — Major magnitude in all cases.
(h) Violations of on road motor vehicle refinishing rules contained in OAR 340-242-0620: Minor — Refinishing 10 or fewer on road motor vehicles per year.
(i) Asbestos violations — These selected magnitudes apply unless the violation does not cause the potential for human exposure to asbestos fibers:
(A) Major — More than 260 linear feet or more than 160 square feet of asbestos-containing material or asbestos-containing waste material;
(B) Moderate — From 40 linear feet up to and including 260 linear feet or from 80 square feet up to and including 160 square feet of asbestos-containing material or asbestos-containing waste material; or
(C) Minor — Less than 40 linear feet or 80 square feet of asbestos-containing material or asbestos-containing waste material.
(D) The magnitude of the asbestos violation may be increased by one level if the material was comprised of more than five percent asbestos.
(j) Open burning violations:
(A) Major — Initiating or allowing the initiation of open burning of 20 or more cubic yards of commercial, construction, demolition and/or industrial waste; or 5 or more cubic yards of prohibited materials (inclusive of tires); or 10 or more tires;
(B) Moderate — Initiating or allowing the initiation of open burning of 10 or more, but less than 20 cubic yards of commercial, construction, demolition and/or industrial waste; or 2 or more, but less than 5 cubic yards of prohibited materials (inclusive of tires); or 3 to 9 tires; or if DEQ lacks sufficient information upon which to make a determination of the type of waste, number of cubic yards or number of tires burned; or
(C) Minor — Initiating or allowing the initiation of open burning of less than 10 cubic yards of commercial, construction, demolition and/or industrial waste; or less than 2 cubic yards of prohibited materials (inclusive of tires); or 2 or less tires.
(D) The selected magnitude may be increased one level if DEQ finds that one or more of the following are true, or decreased one level if DEQ finds that none of the following are true:
(i) The burning took place in an open burning control area;
(ii) The burning took place in an area where open burning is prohibited;
(iii) The burning took place in a non-attainment or maintenance area for PM10 or PM2.5; or
(iv) The burning took place on a day when all open burning was prohibited due to meteorological conditions.
(k) Oregon Low Emission Vehicle Non-Methane Gas (NMOG) or Green House Gas (GHG) fleet average emission limit violations:
(A) Major — Exceeding the limit by more than 10 percent; or
(B) Moderate — Exceeding the limit by 10 percent or less.
(l) Oregon Clean Fuels Program violations:
(A) Exceeding the clean fuel standards set forth in OAR 340-253-0100(6), 340-253-8010 (Table 1) and 340-253-8020 (Table 2) by not retiring sufficient credits to satisfy a regulated party’s compliance obligation:
(i) Major — more than 15 percent of their total deficit obligation remains unsatisfied;
(ii) Moderate — more than 10 percent but less than 15 percent of their total deficit obligation remains unsatisfied; or
(iii) Minor —less than 10 percent of their total deficit obligation remains unsatisfied.
(B) Failing to register under OAR 340-253-0100(1) and (4): Moderate — producers and importers of blendstocks;
(C) Failing to submit an aggregator designation form under OAR 340-253-0100(3) and (4)(c): Minor;
(D) Failing to keep records as set forth in OAR 340-253-0600, when the records relate to obtaining a carbon intensity under OAR 340-253-04500600: Minor;
(E) Failing to submit annual compliance report or quarterly progress report under OAR 340-253: Moderate;
(F) Failing to timely submit an annual compliance report or quarterly progress report under OAR chapter 340, division 253: Minor.
(2) Magnitudes for selected Water Quality violations will be determined as follows:
(a) Violating wastewater discharge permit effluent limitations:
(A) Major:
(i) The dilution (D) of the spill or technology based effluent limitation exceedance was less than two, when calculated as follows: D = ((QR /4) + QI)/ QI, where QR is the estimated receiving stream flow and QI is the estimated quantity or discharge rate of the incident;
(ii) The receiving stream flow at the time of the water quality based effluent limitation (WQBEL) exceedance was at or below the flow used to calculate the WQBEL; or
(iii) The resulting water quality from the spill or discharge was as follows:
(I) For discharges of toxic pollutants: CS/D was more than CAcute, where CS is the concentration of the discharge, D is the dilution of the discharge as determined under (2)(a)(A)(i), and CAcute is the concentration for acute toxicity (as defined by the applicable water quality standard);
(II) For spills or discharges affecting temperature, when the discharge temperature is at or above 32 degrees centigrade after two seconds from the outfall; or
(III) For BOD5 discharges: (BOD5)/D is more than 10, where BOD5 is the concentration of the five-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand of the discharge and D is the dilution of the discharge as determined under (2)(a)(A)(i).
(B) Moderate:
(i) The dilution (D) of the spill or the technology based effluent limitation exceedance was two or more but less than 10 when calculated as follows: D = ((QR /4)+ QI )/ QI, where QR is the estimated receiving stream flow and QI is the estimated quantity or discharge rate of the discharge; or
(ii) The receiving stream flow at the time of the WQBEL exceedance was greater than, but less than twice, the flow used to calculate the WQBEL.
(C) Minor:
(i) The dilution (D) of the spill or the technology based effluent limitation exceedance was 10 or more when calculated as follows: D = ((QR/4) + QI)/ QI, where QR is the receiving stream flow and QI is the quantity or discharge rate of the incident; or
(ii) The receiving stream flow at the time of the WQBEL exceedance was twice the flow or more of the flow used to calculate the WQBEL.
(b) Violating numeric water quality standards:
(A) Major:
(i) Increased the concentration of any pollutant except for toxics, dissolved oxygen, pH, and turbidity, by 25 percent or more of the standard;
(ii) Decreased the dissolved oxygen concentration by two or more milligrams per liter below the standard;
(iii) Increased the toxic pollutant concentration by any amount over the acute standard or by 100 percent or more of the chronic standard;
(iv) Increased or decreased pH by one or more pH units from the standard; or
(v) Increased turbidity by 50 or more nephelometric turbidity units (NTU) over background.
(B) Moderate:
(i) Increased the concentration of any pollutant except for toxics, pH, and turbidity by more than 10 percent but less than 25 percent of the standard;
(ii) Decreased dissolved oxygen concentration by one or more, but less than two, milligrams per liter below the standard;
(iii) Increased the concentration of toxic pollutants by more than 10 percent but less than 100 percent of the chronic standard;
(iv) Increased or decreased pH by more than 0.5 pH unit but less than 1.0 pH unit from the standard; or
(v) Increased turbidity by more than 20 but less than 50 NTU over background.
(C) Minor:
(i) Increased the concentration of any pollutant, except for toxics, pH, and turbidity, by 10 percent or less of the standard;
(ii) Decreased the dissolved oxygen concentration by less than one milligram per liter below the standard;
(iii) Increased the concentration of toxic pollutants by 10 percent or less of the chronic standard;
(iv) Increased or decreased pH by 0.5 pH unit or less from the standard; or
(v) Increased turbidity by 20 NTU or less over background.
(c) The selected magnitude under (2)(a) or (b) may be increased one or more levels if the violation:
(A) Occurred in a water body that is water quality limited (listed on the most current 303(d) list) and the discharge is the same pollutant for which the water body is listed;
(B) Depressed oxygen levels or increased turbidity and/or sedimentation in a stream in which salmonids may be rearing or spawning as indicated by the beneficial use maps available at OAR 340-041-0101 through 0340;
(C) Violated a bacteria standard either in shellfish growing waters or during the period from June 1 through September 30; or
(D) Resulted in a documented fish or wildlife kill.
(3) Magnitudes for selected Solid Waste violations will be determined as follows:
(a) Operating a solid waste disposal facility without a permit or disposing of solid waste at an unpermitted site:
(A) Major — The volume of material disposed of exceeds 400 cubic yards;
(B) Moderate — The volume of material disposed of is greater than or equal to 40 cubic yards and less than or equal to 400 cubic yards; or
(C) Minor — The volume of materials disposed of is less than 40 cubic yards.
(D) The magnitude of the violation may be raised by one magnitude if the material disposed of was either in the floodplain of waters of the state or within 100 feet of waters of the state.
(b) Failing to accurately report the amount of solid waste disposed:
(A) Major — The amount of solid waste is underreported by 15 percent or more of the amount received;
(B) Moderate — The amount of solid waste is underreported by 5 percent or more, but less than 15 percent, of the amount received; or
(C) Minor — The amount of solid waste is underreported by less than 5 percent of the amount received.
(4) Magnitudes for selected Hazardous Waste violations will be determined as follows:
(a) Failure to make a hazardous waste determination;
(A) Major — Failure to make the determination on five or more waste streams;
(B) Moderate — Failure to make the determination on three or four waste streams; or
(C) Minor — Failure to make the determination on one or two waste streams.
(b) Hazardous Waste treatment, storage and disposal violations of OAR 340-012-0068(1)(b), (c), (h), (k), (l), (m), (p), (q) and (r):
(A) Major:
(i) Treatment, storage, or disposal of more than 55 gallons or 330 pounds of hazardous waste; or
(ii) Treatment, storage, or disposal of at least one quart or 2.2 pounds of acutely hazardous waste.
(B) Moderate:
(i) Treatment, storage, or disposal of 55 gallons or 330 pounds or less of hazardous waste; or
(ii) Treatment, storage, or disposal of less than one quart or 2.2 pounds of acutely hazardous waste.
(c) Hazardous waste management violations classified in OAR 340-012-0068(1)(d), (e) (f), (g), (i), (j), (n), (s) and (2)(a), (b), (d), (e), (h), (i), (k), (m), (n), (o), (p), (r) and (s):
(A) Major:
(i) Hazardous waste management violations involving more than 1,000 gallons or 6,000 pounds of hazardous waste; or
(ii) Hazardous waste management violations involving at least one quart or 2.2 pounds of acutely hazardous waste.
(B) Moderate:
(i) Hazardous waste management violations involving more than 250 gallons or 1,500 pounds, up to and including 1,000 gallons or 6,000 pounds of hazardous waste; or
(ii) Hazardous waste management violations involving less than one quart or 2.2 pounds of acutely hazardous waste.
(C) Minor:
(i) Hazardous waste management violations involving 250 gallons or 1,500 pounds or less of hazardous waste and no acutely hazardous waste.
(5) Magnitudes for selected Used Oil violations (OAR 340-012-0072) will be determined as follows:
(a) Used Oil violations set forth in OAR 340-012-0072(1)(f), (h), (i), (j); and (2)(a) through (h):
(A) Major — Used oil management violations involving more than 1,000 gallons or 7,000 pounds of used oil or used oil mixtures;
(B) Moderate — Used oil management violations involving more than 250 gallons or 1,750 pounds, up to and including 1,000 gallons or 7,000 pounds of used oil or used oil mixture; or
(C) Minor — Used oil management violations involving 250 gallons or 1,750 pounds or less of used oil or used oil mixtures.
(b) Used Oil spill or disposal violations set forth in OAR 340-012-0072(1)(a) through (e), (g) and (k).
(A) Major — A spill or disposal involving more than 420 gallons or 2,940 pounds of used oil or used oil mixtures;
(B) Moderate — A spill or disposal involving more than 42 gallons or 294 pounds, up to and including 420 gallons or 2,940 pounds of used oil or used oil mixtures; or
(C) Minor — A spill or disposal of used oil involving 42 gallons or 294 pounds or less of used oil or used oil mixtures.
NOTE: Tables & Publications referenced are available from the agency.
Determination of Base Penalty
(1) Except for Class III violations and as provided in OAR 340-012-0155, the base penalty (BP) is determined by applying the class and magnitude of the violation to the matrices set forth in this section. For Class III violations, no magnitude determination is required.
(2) $12,000 Penalty Matrix:
(a) The $12,000 penalty matrix applies to the following:
(A) Any violation of an air quality statute, rule, permit or related order committed by a person that has or should have a Title V permit or an Air Contaminant Discharge Permit (ACDP) issued pursuant to New Source Review (NSR) regulations or Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) regulations, or section 112(g) of the federal Clean Air Act.
(B) Open burning violations as follows:
(i) Any violation of OAR 340-264-0060(3) committed by an industrial facility operating under an air quality permit.
(ii) Any violation of OAR 340-264-0060(3) in which 25 or more cubic yards of prohibited materials or more than 15 tires are burned, except when committed by a residential owner-occupant.
(C) Any violation of the Oregon Low Emission Vehicle rules (OAR 340-257) by an automobile manufacturer.
(D) Any violation of ORS 468B.025(1)(a) or (1)(b), or of 468B.050(1)(a) by a person without a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit, unless otherwise classified.
(E) Any violation of a water quality statute, rule, permit or related order by:
(i) A person that has an NPDES permit, or that has or should have a Water Pollution Control Facility (WPCF) permit, for a municipal or private utility sewage treatment facility with a permitted flow of five million or more gallons per day.
(ii) A person that has a Tier 1 industrial source NPDES or WPCF permit.
(iii) A person that has a population of 100,000 or more, as determined by the most recent national census, and either has or should have a WPCF Municipal Stormwater Underground Injection Control (UIC) System Permit, or has an NPDES Municipal Separated Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) Stormwater Discharge Permit.
(iv) A person that installs or operates a prohibited Class I, II, III, IV or V UIC system, except for a cesspool.
(v) A person that has or should have applied for coverage under an NPDES Stormwater Discharge 1200-C General Permit for a construction site that disturbs 20 or more acres.
(F) Any violation of the ballast water statute in ORS Chapter 783 or ballast water management rule in OAR 340, division 143.
(G) Any violation of a Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certification by a 100 megawatt or more hydroelectric facility.
(H) Any violation of a Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certification for a dredge and fill project except for Tier 1, 2A or 2B projects.
(I) Any violation of an underground storage tanks statute, rule, permit or related order committed by the owner, operator or permittee of 10 or more UST facilities or a person who is licensed or should be licensed by DEQ to perform tank services.
(J) Any violation of a heating oil tank statute, rule, permit, license or related order committed by a person who is licensed or should be licensed by DEQ to perform heating oil tank services.
(K) Any violation of ORS 468B.485, or related rules or orders regarding financial assurance for ships transporting hazardous materials or oil.
(L) Any violation of a used oil statute, rule, permit or related order committed by a person who is a used oil transporter, transfer facility, processor or re-refiner, off-specification used oil burner or used oil marketer.
(M) Any violation of a hazardous waste statute, rule, permit or related order by:
(i) A person that is a large quantity generator or hazardous waste transporter.
(ii) A person that has or should have a treatment, storage or disposal facility permit.
(N) Any violation of an oil and hazardous material spill and release statute, rule, or related order committed by a covered vessel or facility as defined in ORS 468B.300 or by a person who is engaged in the business of manufacturing, storing or transporting oil or hazardous materials.
(O) Any violation of a polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) management and disposal statute, rule, permit or related order.
(P) Any violation of ORS Chapter 465, UST or environmental cleanup statute, rule, related order or related agreement.
(Q) Unless specifically listed under another penalty matrix, any violation of ORS Chapter 459 or any violation of a solid waste statute, rule, permit, or related order committed by:
(i) A person that has or should have a solid waste disposal permit.
(ii) A person with a population of 25,000 or more, as determined by the most recent national census.
(R) Any violation of the Oregon Clean Fuels Program under OAR Chapter 340, division 253 by a person registered as an importer of blendstocks,
(S) Any violation of OAR 340-012-0054 (1) (ee), (ff), or (gg).
(b) The base penalty values for the $12,000 penalty matrix are as follows:
(A) Class I:
(i) Major — $12,000;
(ii) Moderate — $6,000;
(iii) Minor — $3,000.
(B) Class II:
(i) Major — $6,000;
(ii) Moderate — $3,000;
(iii) Minor — $1,500.
(C) Class III: $1,000.
(3) $8,000 Penalty Matrix:
(a) The $8,000 penalty matrix applies to the following:
(A) Any violation of an air quality statute, rule, permit, permit attachment, or related order committed by a person that has or should have an ACDP permit, except for NSR, PSD and Basic ACDP permits, unless listed under another penalty matrix.
(B) Any violation of an asbestos statute, rule, permit or related order except those violations listed in section (5) of this rule.
(C) Any violation of a vehicle inspection program statute, rule, permit or related order committed by an auto repair facility.
(D) Any violation of the Oregon Low Emission Vehicle rules (OAR 340-257) committed by an automobile dealer or an automobile rental agency.
(E) Any violation of a water quality statute, rule, permit or related order committed by:
(i) A person that has an NPDES Permit, or that has or should have a WPCF Permit, for a municipal or private utility sewage treatment facility with a permitted flow of two million or more, but less than five million, gallons per day.
(ii) A person that has a Tier 2 industrial source NPDES or WPCF Permit.
(iii) A person that has or should have applied for coverage under an NPDES or a WPCF General Permit, except an NPDES Stormwater Discharge 1200-C General Permit for a construction site of less than five acres in size or 20 or more acres in size.
(iv) A person that has a population of less than 100,000 but more than 10,000, as determined by the most recent national census, and has or should have a WPCF Municipal Stormwater UIC System Permit or has an NPDES MS4 Stormwater Discharge Permit.
(v) A person that owns, and that has or should have registered, a UIC system that disposes of wastewater other than stormwater or sewage or geothermal fluids.
(F) Any violation of a Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certification by a less than 100 megawatt hydroelectric facility.
(G) Any violation of a Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certification for a Tier 2A or Tier 2B dredge and fill project.
(H) Any violation of an UST statute, rule, permit or related order committed by a person who is the owner, operator or permittee of five to nine UST facilities.
(I) Unless specifically listed under another penalty matrix, any violation of ORS Chapter 459 or other solid waste statute, rule, permit, or related order committed by:
(i) A person that has or should have a waste tire permit; or
(ii) A person with a population of more than 5,000 but less than or equal to 25,000, as determined by the most recent national census.
(J) Any violation of a hazardous waste management statute, rule, permit or related order committed by a person that is a small quantity generator.
(K) Any violation of an oil and hazardous material spill and release statute, rule, or related order committed by a person other than a person listed in OAR 340-012-0140(2)(a)(N) occurring during a commercial activity or involving a derelict vessel over 35 feet in length.
(L) Any violation of the Oregon Clean Fuels Program under OAR Chapter 340, division 253 by a person registered as a credit generator, an aggregator, or a registered fuel producer unless the violation is otherwise classified in this rule.
(b) The base penalty values for the $8,000 penalty matrix are as follows:
(A) Class I:
(i) Major — $8,000.
(ii) Moderate — $4,000.
(iii) Minor — $2,000.
(B) Class II:
(i) Major — $4,000.
(ii) Moderate — $2,000.
(iii) Minor — $1,000.
(C) Class III: $ 700.
(4) $3,000 Penalty Matrix:
(a) The $3,000 penalty matrix applies to the following:
(A) Any violation of any statute, rule, permit, license, or order committed by a person not listed under another penalty matrix.
(B) Any violation of an air quality statute, rule, permit, permit attachment, or related order committed by a person not listed under another penalty matrix.
(C) Any violation of an air quality statute, rule, permit, permit attachment, or related order committed by a person that has or should have a Basic ACDP or an ACDP or registration only because the person is subject to Area Source NESHAP regulations.
(D) Any violation of OAR 340-264-0060(3) in which 25 or more cubic yards of prohibited materials or more than 15 tires are burned by a residential owner-occupant.
(E) Any violation of a vehicle inspection program statute, rule, permit or related order committed by a natural person, except for those violations listed in section (5) of this rule.
(F) Any violation of a water quality statute, rule, permit, license or related order not listed under another penalty matrix and committed by:
(i) A person that has an NPDES permit, or has or should have a WPCF permit, for a municipal or private utility wastewater treatment facility with a permitted flow of less than two million gallons per day.
(ii) A person that has or should have applied for coverage under an NPDES Stormwater Discharge 1200-C General Permit for a construction site that is more than one, but less than five acres.
(iii) A person that has a population of 10,000 or less, as determined by the most recent national census, and either has an NPDES MS4 Stormwater Discharge Permit or has or should have a WPCF Municipal Stormwater UIC System Permit.
(iv) A person who is licensed to perform onsite sewage disposal services or who has performed sewage disposal services.
(v) A person, except for a residential owner-occupant, that owns and either has or should have registered a UIC system that disposes of stormwater, sewage or geothermal fluids.
(vi) A person that has or should have a WPCF individual stormwater UIC system permit.
(vii) Any violation of a water quality statute, rule, permit or related order committed by a person that has or should have applied for coverage under an NPDES 700-PM General Permit for suction dredges.
(G) Any violation of an onsite sewage disposal statute, rule, permit or related order, except for a violation committed by a residential owner-occupant.
(H) Any violation of a Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certification for a Tier 1 dredge and fill project.
(I) Any violation of an UST statute, rule, permit or related order if the person is the owner, operator or permittee of two to four UST facilities.
(J) Any violation of a used oil statute, rule, permit or related order, except a violation related to a spill or release, committed by a person that is a used oil generator.
(K) Any violation of a hazardous waste management statute, rule, permit or related order committed by a person that is a conditionally exempt generator, unless listed under another penalty matrix.
(L) Any violation of ORS Chapter 459 or other solid waste statute, rule, permit, or related order committed by a person with a population less than 5,000, as determined by the most recent national census.
(M) Any violation of the labeling requirements of ORS 459A.675 through 459A.685.
(N) Any violation of rigid pesticide container disposal requirements by a conditionally exempt generator of hazardous waste.
(O) Any violation of ORS 468B.025(1)(a) or (b) resulting from turbid discharges to waters of the state caused by non-residential uses of property disturbing less than one acre in size.
(P) Any violation of an oil and hazardous material spill and release statute, rule, or related order committed by a person not listed under another matrix.
(Q) Any violation of the Oregon Clean Fuels Program under OAR chapter 340, division 253 by a person registered as an importer of finished fuels unless the violation is otherwise classified in this rule.
(b) The base penalty values for the $3,000 penalty matrix are as follows:
(A) Class I:
(i) Major — $3,000;
(ii) Moderate — $1,500;
(iii) Minor — $750.
(B) Class II:
(i) Major — $1,500;
(ii) Moderate — $750;
(iii) Minor — $375.
(C) Class III: $250.
(5) $1,000 Penalty Matrix:
(a) The $1,000 penalty matrix applies to the following:
(A) Any violation of an open burning statute, rule, permit or related order committed by a residential owner-occupant at the residence, not listed under another penalty matrix.
(B) Any violation of visible emissions standards by operation of a vehicle.
(C) Any violation of an asbestos statute, rule, permit or related order committed by a residential owner-occupant.
(D) Any violation of an onsite sewage disposal statute, rule, permit or related order of OAR chapter 340, division 44 committed by a residential owner-occupant.
(E) Any violation of an UST statute, rule, permit or related order committed by a person who is the owner, operator or permittee of one UST facility.
(F) Any violation of an HOT statute, rule, permit or related order not listed under another penalty matrix.
(G) Any violation of OAR chapter 340, division 124 or ORS 465.505 by a dry cleaning owner or operator, dry store owner or operator, or supplier of perchloroethylene.
(H) Any violation of ORS Chapter 459 or other solid waste statute, rule or related order committed by a residential owner-occupant.
(I) Any violation of a statute, rule, permit or order relating to rigid plastic containers, except for violation of the labeling requirements under OAR 459A.675 through 459A.685.
(J) Any violation of a statute, rule or order relating to the opportunity to recycle.
(K) Any violation of OAR chapter 340, division 262 or other statute, rule or order relating to solid fuel burning devices, except a violation related to the sale of new or used solid fuel burning devices or the removal and destruction of used solid fuel burning devices.
(L) Any violation of an UIC system statute, rule, permit or related order by a residential owner-occupant, when the UIC disposes of stormwater, sewage or geothermal fluids.
(M) Any Violation of ORS 468B.025(1)(a) or (b) resulting from turbid discharges to waters of the state caused by residential use of property disturbing less than one acre in size.
(b) The base penalty values for the $1,000 penalty matrix are as follows:
(A) Class I:
(i) Major — $1,000;
(ii) Moderate — $500;
(iii) Minor — $250.
(B) Class II:
(i) Major — $500;
(ii) Moderate — $250;
(iii) Minor — $125.
(C) Class III: $100.