Cleaner Air Oregon Monitoring Plan Template
Template for developing an air monitoring sampling and analysis plan under Cleaner Air Oregon
October 2017
Laboratory and Environmental Assessment Program
3150 NW 229th Ave
Suite 150
Hillsboro, OR 97123
Phone: 503-693-5700
Fax: 503- 693-4999
Contact: Anthony Barnack
DEQ is a leader in restoring, maintaining and enhancing the quality of Oregon’s air, land and water.
Last Updated: 10/16/2017
Version 1.0
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1. Project Management
1.1. Provide a list of who will be working on the project, with their title and contact information. This will be useful for communication.
1.2. Provide details on who will be overseeing the project. This section is meant to provide the quality assurance and project manager information. The quality assurance officer should be separate from the project management group, and is typically a separate consultant or a separate division of a consulting firm.
1.3. Provide the problem definition/background with a discussion of why the monitoring is needed. A reference to the pertinent Cleaner Air Oregon rules in OAR 340 Division 245 would be useful. This section is meant to give the purpose for the monitoring which is useful for determining what monitoring needs to be done, where the monitors are to be located, and the sampling duration and frequency.
1.4. Project/Task Description – provide an overview of what the monitoring project will entail. This should include the number of monitors, the parameters monitored, and the time frame for monitoring. Include who will do the field sampling and what analytical laboratory will be used.
1.5. Quality Objectives and Criteria - list what methods will be followed and whether there will be duplicates, field blanks, lab blanks, or any other quality assurance. List any lab accreditation.
1.6. Documentation and Records - list the chain of custody steps, and who will maintain and store the sample and analysis field and lab documentation. This includes field sheets, audit sheets, chain of custody forms, and other supporting documentation.
2. Data Generation and Acquisition
2.1. Schedule – What will the sampling schedule be in duration, frequency, and time of year? This usually would be daily sampling for batch processes and an every third day sampling schedule for non-batch processes. There should be at least thirty samples collected.
2.2. Sampling
2.2.1. List the sampler types, and brands. All sampling should include at least wind speed and direction parameters to help determine the source and receptors of any air toxics. A plan for collecting these parameters will need to be provided in the sampling and analysis plan if there aren’t any nearby meteorological sensors.
2.2.2. Sampling Locations. List the number of sites, give the latitude and longitudes and provide a map of the sampling locations and the facility.
Site Identifier | Site Name | Lat/Long | Sampler Method | Number and frequency of Sampling |
2.3. Provide the sampling methods, including sample handling and custody storage requirements. The sampling methodology should include reference to a standard operating procedure for the samplers and lab analyzers. The handling requirements should include temperature storage requirements, holding times, and who will be in custody of the samples through analysis.
Sampler Method | Sample Preservation | Holding Time |
2.4. Provide the analytical parameters, methods, and quality control. This includes a list of what pollution parameters will be analyzed, what analysis method will be used, and what lab quality controls will be used. Method detection limits should be checked to make sure they are adequate for comparison to the relevant Risk-Based Concentrations in OAR 340-245-8050 Table 5.
Sample Type | Analytical Parameters | Reference Method |
2.5. Provide details on how the data will be managed. State who will maintain hard copies of the analytical reports, including all analytical QC measurements.
3. Data Validation and Usability
Describe the data review, verification, and validation of the analytical data (the process used to determine if the sample is valid). Voided or qualified data must be flagged in the final report along with the reason for the data downgrade. These qualifiers will be transferred to any electronic database or any final report.
4. Data Assessment
Designate what data analysis will be done and by whom. Describe what type of final report will be produced and how it will be presented. Wind speed and wind direction data should be used to show the pollutant sources and receptors.
5. References
List any references used.