Oregon Records Management Solution
''Wednesday, July 31, 2019 at 2:10:07 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' PERMANENT ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER DEQ 197-2018 CHAPTER 340 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY FILED 11/16/2018 7:32 AM FILING CAPTION: Cleaner Air Oregon EFFECTIVE DATE: 11/16/2018 AGENCY APPROVED DATE: 11/15/2018 RULES: 340-012-0030, 340-012-0053, 340-012-0054, 340-012-0135, 340-012-0140, 340-200-0020, 340-200-0035, 340-200-0040, 340-209-0020, 340-209-0030, 340-209-0040, 340-209-0050, 340-216-0020, 340-216-0030, 340-216-0040, 340-216-0069, 340-216-0090, 340-216-8020, 340-216-8030, 340-218-0010, 340-218-0020, 340-218-0030, 340-218-0110, 340-220-0010, 340-220-0020, 340-220-0050, 340-244-8990, 340-244-9000, 340-245-0005, 340-245-0010, 340-245-0020, 340-245-0022, 340-245-0030, 340-245-0040, 340-245-0050, 340-245-0060, 340-245-0100, 340-245-0110, 340-245-0120, 340-245-0130, 340-245-0140, 340-245-0150, 340-245-0200, 340-245-0210, 340-245-0220, 340-245-0230, 340-245-0300, 340-245-0310, 340-245-0400, 340-245-8010, 340-245-8020, 340-245-8030, 340-245-8040, 340-245-8050, 340-245-9000, 340-245-9010, 340-245-9015, 340-245-9020, 340-245-9030, 340-245-9050, 340-245-9060, 340-245-9070, 340-245-9080, 340-246-0010, 340-246-0090, 340-246-0190 NOTICE FILED DATES: 06/26/2018, 10/20/2017 On April 6, 2016, Governor Brown directed the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) to develop a health risk-based air toxics permitting program. This action was triggered by: ● Regulatory gaps in current rules that allowed for significant localized health risks from industrial and commercial emissions ● The need for a systematic way to understand and reduce the risk that industrial and commercial air toxics pose to people who live, work or learn nearby in a practical, predictable and implementable manner. Cleaner Air Oregon aims to: ● Collect accurate and timely information about air toxics emissions from industrial and commercial facilities; and, ● Provide predictable and science-based regulations to control industrial and commercial air toxics emissions to protect public health, focusing on areas and facilities that may pose the highest risk to human health ● Provide DEQ and OHA (the agencies) additional resources to fully implement the program, as described in the proposed rules. DEQ intends to propose a fee schedule to cover the costs of implementing the program. In this proposed new program and rulemaking, DEQ proposes to add a new division, division 245, to the existing OAR chapter 340. DEQ is also proposing to make changes to OAR 340 divisions 12, 200, 209, 210, 216, 218, 220, 244, and 246. The proposed amendment of Oregon Administrative Rule 340-200-0040 would incorporate non-substantive changes to existing rules into the Oregon Clean Air Act State Implementation Plan. The non-substantive rule changes are the result of making sure Cleaner Air Oregon rules mesh with existing rules. ''Wednesday, October 16, 2019 at 5:09:42 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' PERMANENT ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER DEQ 197-2018 CHAPTER 340 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY FILED 11/16/2018 7:32 AM FILING CAPTION: Cleaner Air Oregon EFFECTIVE DATE: 11/16/2018 AGENCY APPROVED DATE: 11/15/2018 RULES: 340-012-0030, 340-012-0053, 340-012-0054, 340-012-0135, 340-012-0140, 340-200-0020, 340-200-0035, 340-200-0040, 340-209-0020, 340-209-0030, 340-209-0040, 340-209-0050, 340-216-0020, 340-216-0030, 340-216-0040, 340-216-0069, 340-216-0090, 340-216-8020, 340-216-8030, 340-218-0010, 340-218-0020, 340-218-0030, 340-218-0110, 340-220-0010, 340-220-0020, 340-220-0050, 340-244-8990, 340-244-9000, 340-245-0005, 340-245-0010, 340-245-0020, 340-245-0022, 340-245-0030, 340-245-0040, 340-245-0050, 340-245-0060, 340-245-0100, 340-245-0110, 340-245-0120, 340-245-0130, 340-245-0140, 340-245-0150, 340-245-0200, 340-245-0210, 340-245-0220, 340-245-0230, 340-245-0300, 340-245-0310, 340-245-0400, 340-245-8010, 340-245-8020, 340-245-8030, 340-245-8040, 340-245-8050, 340-245-9000, 340-245-9010, 340-245-9015, 340-245-9020, 340-245-9030, 340-245-9050, 340-245-9060, 340-245-9070, 340-245-9080, 340-246-0010, 340-246-0090, 340-246-0190 NOTICE FILED DATES: 06/26/2018, 10/20/2017 On April 6, 2016, Governor Brown directed the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) to develop a health risk-based air toxics permitting program. This action was triggered by: ● Regulatory gaps in current rules that allowed for significant localized health risks from industrial and commercial emissions ● The need for a systematic way to understand and reduce the risk that industrial and commercial air toxics pose to people who live, work or learn nearby in a practical, predictable and implementable manner. Cleaner Air Oregon aims to: ● Collect accurate and timely information about air toxics emissions from industrial and commercial facilities; and, ● Provide predictable and science-based regulations to control industrial and commercial air toxics emissions to protect public health, focusing on areas and facilities that may pose the highest risk to human health ● Provide DEQ and OHA (the agencies) additional resources to fully implement the program, as described in the proposed rules. DEQ intends to propose a fee schedule to cover the costs of implementing the program. In this proposed new program and rulemaking, DEQ proposes to add a new division, division 245, to the existing OAR chapter 340. DEQ is also proposing to make changes to OAR 340 divisions 12, 200, 209, 210, 216, 218, 220, 244, and 246. The proposed amendment of Oregon Administrative Rule 340-200-0040 would incorporate non-substantive changes to existing rules into the Oregon Clean Air Act State Implementation Plan. The non-substantive rule changes are the result of making sure Cleaner Air Oregon rules mesh with existing rules.