Request to Complete Cleanup Rulemaking


Oregon Department of Environmental Quality


811 SW 6th Ave.

Portland OR 97204


Agency Rules Coordinator – Meyer Goldstein – Meyer Goldstein – 503-229-6478




ORS 183.335(7) authorizes DEQ to amend rules without notice or a hearing, on the Director’s signature, where the purpose is only:


 Changing the name of an agency by reason of a name change prescribed by law;

 Changing the name of a program, office or division within an agency as long as the change in name does not have a substantive effect on the functions of the program, office or division;

 Correcting spelling;

 Correcting grammatical mistakes in a manner that does not alter the scope, application or meaning of the rule;

 Correcting statutory or rule references; or

 Correcting addresses or telephone numbers referred to in the rules.


List of affected rules (copy text of revised rules in redline/strikeout below)



Program Requesting the Rulemaking



Staff member submitting the request



Approving manager




Signature: ________________________________ Date: _________________


Approving DA




Signature: _________________________________ Date: _________________


Authorized by the DEQ Director:


___________________________________________ Date: _____________________________

Dick Pederson

Director, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality


Submitted to Secretary of State


By: _______________________________________________________


Date: _________________________