












   DEQ invites you to comment on proposed rules to [Title]. Please note that all information provided when commenting will display below and becomes public record. If you are a student who attends a public university or Oregon Health and Science University, please do not use the form below, but email your comments to Comment-[CodeName]@deq.state.or.us to protect your address according to Oregon Revised Statute 192.501(29).DEQ may modify the proposed rules based on all public comments received by the close of public comment period on [Comment deadline]







































































    false false false false false






 Low Emission/Zero Emission Vehicle Rule Revisions 2017


 California is the only state allowed to adopt vehicle emission standards under the Clean Air Act. However, once CA adopts their standards other states may adopt the same standards if they are identical to CA's rules. California has adopted many moderate amendments to the Low and Zero Emission Vehicle rules over the last three years. This rulemaking would maintain "identicality" by adding these new provisions to Oregon's LEV and ZEV regulations.

 Dave Nordberg






























 DEQ invites you to comment on proposed rules to the [Rulemaking Name]. Please note that all information provided when commenting will display below and becomes public record. DEQ will respond to comments if received by the close of the public comment period on DAY of WEEK, MONTH DAY, YEAR at HOUR p.m. We may modify the proposed rules based on public comments received by this deadline. STUDENTS ONLY. DEQ protects public university student email addresses as Oregon Revised Statute 192.501(29) requires. If you are a student who attends a public university or Oregon Health and Science University, you can submit your comments on this form. If you wish to protect your student email address you can omit your email address from the form below. Note: DEQ recommends using plain text for comments. Formatted text may not render properly.





































   Advisory committee meetings are open to the public. DEQ publishes meeting notices on http://www.oregon.gov/deq/Pages/Events.aspx. Please notify DEQ of any special physical or language accommodations or if you need information in large print, Braille or another format. To make these arrangements, contact DEQ, Portland, at 503-229-5696 or call toll-free in Oregon at 1-800-452-4011, ext. 5696; fax to 503-229-6762; or email to deqinfo@deq.state.or.us. Hearing impaired persons may call 711. false false false false 1 false



