From: Robbye Lanier

Sent: Wed Feb 10 11:31:37 2016

To: Keith Rose; DOWNING Kevin; MORRISSEY John; HOUGH Merlyn

Cc: Justin Spenillo; HNIDEY Emil; 'GOLDSTEIN Meyer'; Jo Niehaus

Subject: Updated SIP Development Plan for LRAPA's Title 47

Importance: Normal

Attachments: SIP Development Plan LRAPA Title 47 2-10-16.docx;



Attached is the revised SIP Development plan for LRAPA’s Title 47: Outdoor/Open Burning rule. As of now, talks are still om-going with local city governments and looks like we won’t be taking it to our Board for a year then EQC to follow most likely in early 2018. Everything from the original plan has been pushed back a year.


Robbye Lanier

Environmental Technician


1010 Main Street

Springfield, OR 97477

Office: 541-736-1056 ext. 214

Cell: 541-285-1397

Fax: 541-726-1205