Oregon Records Management Solution

Courtesy Copy_ EQC Adopts Amended UST Rules


''Tuesday, July 30, 2019 at 3:39:44 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' DEQ 188-2018 CHAPTER 340 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY FILED 05/14/2018 9:08 AM ARCHIVES DIVISION SECRETARY OF STATE & LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL FILING CAPTION: Underground Storage Tank Rules 2018 Revisions EFFECTIVE DATE: 06/01/2018 AGENCY APPROVED DATE: 05/10/2018 NOTICE FILED DATE: 01/16/2018 RULES: 340-150-0006, 340-150-0008, 340-150-0010, 340-150-0020, 340-150-0052, 340-150-0102, 340-150-0110, 340-150-0135, 340-150-0137, 340-150-0160, 340-150-0166, 340-150-0167, 340-150-0168, 340-150-0180, 340-150-0210, 340-150-0250, 340-150-0300, 340-150-0310, 340-150-0315, 340-150-0320, 340-150-0325, 340-150-0350, 340-150-0352, 340-150-0354, 340-150-0400, 340-150-0430, 340-150-0440, 340-150-0445, 340-150-0450, 340-150-0455, 340-150-0460, 340-150-0465, 340-150-0500, 340-150-0510, 340-150-0550, 340-150-0560, 340-151-0015, 340-151-0025 EPA passed final UST rules in 2015. DEQ must be in compliance with those revised rules by October 2018. Without a fee increase, DEQ will be unable to fully implement those rules and would face the potential loss of other funds, such as the Leaking UST and Leaking UST Prevention grant funding for cleanups and inspections. This could include funding of $1.317 million in federal FY 2017. Without adequate funding for Oregon’s UST program, DEQ will not have the ability to carry out the program or conduct an adequate number of inspections to verify whether owners and operators are properly equipping, operating and maintaining USTs. Without a fully operational program, USTs pose a threat to human health and the environment.