Oregon Records Management Solution
ev rebate 1 eqc staff report
''Tuesday, July 30, 2019 at 3:12:55 PM (GMT+07:00) Goldstein, Meyer:'' DEQ 186-2018 CHAPTER 340 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY FILED 05/14/2018 8:49 AM ARCHIVES DIVISION SECRETARY OF STATE & LEGISLATIVE COUNSEL FILING CAPTION: Zero-Emission and Electric Vehicle Rebate Rule EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/14/2018 AGENCY APPROVED DATE: 05/11/2018 RULES: 340-270-0010, 340-270-0020, 340-270-0030, 340-270-0100, 340-270-0110, 340-270-0120, 340-270-0200, 340-270-0300, 340-270-0400, 340-270-0410, 340-270-0420, 340-270-0430, 340-270-0500 In 2017, Oregon Governor Kate Brown signed House Bill 2017 which creates a program to provide rebates to Oregonians who purchase certain types of zero-emission vehicles, including eligible plug-in hybrid zero-emission vehicles, and other zero-emissions vehicles that meet the program’s specifications. This program was designed by the Oregon Legislature to encourage higher adoption of zero-emission vehicles to reduce air pollution and progress the state towards its greenhouse gas reduction goals.