

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality


 Notice of Proposed Rulemaking



Ballast Water Management 2016






Short summary 

DEQ proposes the Oregon Environmental Quality Commission approve the proposed ballast water management rule amendments. These amendments would further enhance DEQ’s ability to prevent introducing aquatic invasive species (AIS) from commercial shipping activities into waters of the state, protecting Oregon from potentially harmful economic and environmental impacts. The proposed rule amendments are in response to recent changes in Federal regulations and aim to ensure adequate management strategies to prevent introducing aquatic invasive species to Oregon ports.


The proposed rules establish greater protection for Oregon water resources and aquatic ecosystems in two ways. First, the rules close a management gap associated with residual ballast water and sediments in empty ballast tanks that represents a risk for introducing aquatic invasive species when vessel operators must ballast and subsequently de-ballast from empty ballast tanks while in state waters. Second, the rules would retain oceanic ballast water exchange requirements for a subset of vessel arrivals that represent a high-risk for introducing AIS to Oregon. Instead of replacing ballast water exchange with shipboard treatment strategies, as recent federal regulatory changes propose, maintaining ballast water exchange requirements, in addition to the use of shipboard treatment, for high-risk voyages would reduce concerns over the adequacy of federal discharge standards and the reliability of first-generation shipboard treatment technologies.


The proposed rules do not involve fees, additional equipment requirements or significant administrative efforts in order to comply. Therefore, under normal operating circumstances, these rules will not have any significant negative economic impacts, either direct or indirect.


This rulemaking includes a second element. As an administrative action intended to improve the clarity of its rules, DEQ has included rulemaking on a second topic in this rulemaking. This action involves DEQ’s noise control regulations, found at OAR 340 division 35.


The noise control regulations refer to a number of tables and external documents. Currently, those documents are not published with the official version of the rules the Oregon Secretary of State publishes. Instead, DEQ maintains those documents on its own web site.


In this rulemaking DEQ is asking the EQC to approve amendments to the noise regulations that only incorporate tables and documents the rules refer to directly into the rules. This will make it easier for users of these rules to find the information they need to interpret and apply the rules. It will also relieve DEQ from the cost and responsibility of maintaining these documents on its web site.


This rule change does not change any content or wording of the noise control regulations. There is no change in the meaning, effect, or application of these rules. There is also no negative fiscal impact to any person or entity from this rule change.


DEQ will therefore ask the EQC to approve these proposed amendments to the division 35 noise control regulations.

Regulated parties

Oregon ballast water regulations (OAR 340-143) establish mandatory management practices that are required of commercial shipping vessels over 300 gross tons in order to discharge ballast water while operating within waters of the state.


The noise control regulations apply to a wide range of parties that generate noise. However the proposed amendments do not change the regulated parties or the compliance requirements in any way.


Request for other options

During the public comment period, DEQ requests public comment on whether to consider other options for achieving the rules’ substantive goals while reducing the rules’ negative economic impact on business.



Optional Additional Topic - This section is optional. If not used, it should be deleted. This section is to include information you think is important but that is not covered in another section of the notice.




Enter freeform title here

Noise Tables?














Statement of need




Proposed Rule or Topic


Management of Empty Ballast Tanks

What need would the proposed rule address?

Reduce the invasive species transfer risk associated with in residual ballast water and sediments in ‘empty’ ballast tanks which may be used for ballasting and subsequent de-ballasting while in state waters.

How would the proposed rule address the need?

The proposed rule requires vessel operators to conduct a mid-ocean saltwater flush of empty ballast tanks that they want to use for ballasting and subsequent de-ballasting while in port.

How will DEQ know the rule addressed the need?

Mid-ocean saltwater flushing of an empty ballast tank will result in residual water salinity of at least 30 parts per thousand, and thereby will significantly reduce the probability for introducing high-risk species to the low-salinity environments of Oregon ports. This minimum salinity criterion can be used for compliance verification purposes.

Retaining Ballast Water Exchange

What need would the proposed rule address?

Address concerns that new federal requirements could, under some circumstances, represent a lower efficacy for preventing aquatic invasive species transport to low-salinity ports in Oregon than current management practices.

How would the proposed rule address the need?

Retain ballast water exchange requirements for a subset of Oregon vessel arrivals that represent a high risk for transporting AIS to Oregon ports.

How will DEQ know the rule addressed the need?

Compliance verification of minimum salinity threshold for vessel arrivals affected by this rule, combined with verification of shipboard treatment system efficacy, will provide an adequate level of protection against aquatic invasive species transport risks to Oregon from ballast transfer activities.

Noise Tables

What need would the proposed rule address?

The proposed amendments are intended to make DEQ’s noise control regulations easier for a user to interpret and apply.

How would the proposed rule address the need?

The amendments move tables and reference documents from a source that is external to the official published version of the rules and incorporates those documents into the official published version of the rules.

How will DEQ know the rule addressed the need?

The external documents will have been incorporated into the official published version of DEQ’s rules.









Ballast Water Rules

Lead division

Operations Division

Program or activity

Ballast Water Management

Chapter 340 action


Amend    OAR 340-143-0005, 340-143-0010, 340-143-0050


Statutory authority

ORS 468.020, 783.620 – 783.640

Statute implemented

ORS 783.620 – 783.640


Other authority

Nonindigenous Aquatic Nuisance Prevention and Control Act of 1990 (NANPCA - Section 1205) (codified as 16 U.S.C. § 4725)


Documents relied on for rulemaking  



Document title

Document location

Oregon Task Force on Shipping Transport of Aquatic Invasive Species – Report to the 2015 Legislature

EPA VGP 2013

Transport Canada Policy Implementation Paper 2012

Bailey, S. A., Deneau, M. G., Jean, L., Wiley, C. J., Leung, B., & MacIsaac, H. J. (2011). Evaluating efficacy of an environmental policy to prevent biological invasions. Environmental Science & Technology45(7), 2554-2561.

Briski, E., Allinger, L. E., Balcer, M., Cangelosi, A., Fanberg, L., Markee, T. P., ... & Regan, D. H. (2013). Multidimensional approach to invasive species prevention. Environmental science & technology47(3), 1216-1221.

Gray, D. K., Johengen, T. H., Reid, D. F., & MacIsaac, H. J. (2007). Efficacy of openocean ballast water exchange as a means of preventing invertebrate invasions between freshwater ports. Limnology and Oceanography52(6), 2386-2397.

Bradie, J. N., Bailey, S. A., Van Der Velde, G., & MacIsaac, H. J. (2010). Brine-induced mortality of non-indigenous invertebrates in residual ballast water. Marine Environmental Research70(5), 395-401.

Gollasch, S., David, M., Voigt, M., Dragsund, E., Hewitt, C., & Fukuyo, Y. (2007). Critical review of the IMO international convention on the management of ships’ ballast water and sediments. Harmful algae6(4), 585-600.

Ruiz, G.M, & Reid, D.L. (2007). Current State of Understanding about the Effectiveness of Ballast

Water Exchange (BWE) in Reducing Aquatic Nonindigenous Species

(ANS) Introductions to the Great Lakes Basin and Chesapeake. NOAA Technical Memorandum GLERL-142.

Simkanin, C., Davidson, I., Falkner, M., Sytsma, M., & Ruiz, G. (2009). Intra-coastal ballast water flux and the potential for secondary spread of non-native species on the US West Coast. Marine Pollution Bulletin58(3), 366-374.




Noise Control Regulations

Lead division

Operations Division

Program or activity


Chapter 340 action


Amend    OAR 340-035-0015, 340-035-0025, 340-035-0030, 340-035-0035, 340-035-0040



Statutory authority

ORS 467

Statute implemented

ORS 467, 467.030,


Documents relied on for rulemaking




Fee Analysis ORS 291.055(1)(d)




This rulemaking does not involve fees.





Statement of fiscal and economic impact        




Fiscal and Economic Impact


Ballast Water Rules


This rulemaking amends invasive species prevention practices required of commercial vessels greater than 300 gross tons that intend to discharge ballast water while operating in state waters. The vast majority of affected vessels are owned and operated by large foreign businesses. The proposed rules do not involve a significant cost of compliance for these foreign businesses and are not expected to have any indirect affects on local businesses that are dependent upon maritime commerce.


Noise Table Rules


This rulemaking makes no wording or substantive change to DEQ’s noise regulations and therefore has no fiscal impact on any person or entity.



Statement of Cost of Compliance  


State and federal agencies  

Ballast Water Rules


This rulemaking will not require additional resources for the Department of Environmental Quality, nor other state or federal agencies.


Noise Table Rules


This rulemaking makes no wording or substantive change to DEQ’s noise regulations and therefore has no fiscal impact on any person or entity.


Local governments

Ballast Water Rules


This rulemaking only affects commercial vessels greater than 300 gross tons arriving from outside of Oregon waters and therefore has no fiscal impact on local governments.


Noise Table Rules


This rulemaking makes no wording or substantive change to DEQ’s noise regulations and therefore has no fiscal impact on any person or entity.



Ballast Water Rules


These rules would not impose a negative economic impact on the general public. Rather, these rules are intended to protect the general public by preventing the introduction of aquatic invasive species, which have caused devastating economic impacts for public and private sector entities in other regions of the country.


Noise Table Rules


This rulemaking makes no wording or substantive change to DEQ’s noise regulations and therefore has no fiscal impact on any person or entity.


Large businesses - businesses with more than 50 employees

Ballast Water Rules


No significant economic impact is anticipated as a result of the proposed rules. The proposed rules do not impose fees or require the use or installation of new equipment or management practices.


Noise Table Rules


This rulemaking makes no wording or substantive change to DEQ’s noise regulations and therefore has no fiscal impact on any person or entity.


Small businesses – businesses with 50 or fewer employees

Ballast Water Rules


No significant economic impact is anticipated as a result of the proposed rules. Our state ballast water management regulations establish a minimum vessel size criteria (> 300 gross tons with ballast tanks) and exemptions for commercial fishing vessels whereby no small businesses are subject to these rules. Moreover, the proposed rules do not establish fees or require new operational practices to manage ballast water, and thus, under normal operational conditions, would not impose significant economic impacts, either directly or indirectly, to any small businesses.


Noise Table Rules


This rulemaking makes no wording or substantive change to DEQ’s noise regulations and therefore has no fiscal impact on any person or entity.



a. Estimated number of small businesses and types of businesses and industries with small businesses subject to proposed rule.


This rulemaking has no fiscal impact on small businesses.



b. Projected reporting, recordkeeping and other administrative activities, including costs of professional services, required for small businesses to comply with the proposed rule.


c. Projected equipment, supplies, labor and increased administration required for small businesses to comply with the proposed rule.


d. Describe how DEQ involved small businesses in developing this proposed rule.




How DEQ involved small businesses in developing this rule

Ballast Water Rules

Greater than 95% of the vessels regulated by ORS 783.620 through 783.640 are owned by large companies that are headquartered outside of Oregon. The limited number of local businesses that operate regulated vessels, typically ocean going tug and barge operations, have more than 50 employees. To incorporate a broader perspective on potential economic impacts to other (non-regulated) businesses, DEQ relied upon advisory committee members representing the general maritime industry for Oregon ports, including representatives from the Port of Portland and the Columbia River Steamship Operators Association.

Noise Table Rules


This rulemaking makes no wording or substantive change to DEQ’s noise regulations and therefore has no fiscal impact on any person or entity.


Documents relied on for fiscal and economic impact


Document title

Document location



Advisory committee


DEQ appointed an advisory committee.


As ORS 183.33 requires, DEQ asked for the committee’s recommendations on:

 Whether the proposed rules would have a fiscal impact,

 The extent of the impact, and

 Whether the proposed rules would have a significant impact on small businesses and complies with ORS 183.540.


The committee reviewed the draft fiscal and economic impact statement and its findings are stated in the approved minutes dated DATE.


The committee The committee determined the proposed rules would/would not have a significant adverse impact on small businesses in Oregon.



Housing cost

Ballast Water Rules


As ORS 183.534 requires, DEQ evaluated whether the proposed rules would have an effect on the development cost of a 6,000-square-foot parcel and construction of a 1,200-square-foot detached, single-family dwelling on that parcel. DEQ determined the proposed rules would have no effect on the development costs because the rules only affect commercial vessels discharging ballast water that had been sourced from outside state water and the changes to regulations do not impose significant changes in operational costs or investment.


Noise Table Rules


As ORS 183.534 requires, DEQ evaluated whether the proposed rules would have an effect on the development cost of a 6,000-square-foot parcel and construction of a 1,200-square-foot detached, single-family dwelling on that parcel. DEQ determined the proposed rules would have no effect on the development costs because the changes to the noise rules are administrative only and have no substantive effect.





Federal relationship



Relationship to federal requirements

ORS 183.332, 468A.327 and OAR 340-011-0029 require DEQ to attempt to adopt rules that correspond with existing equivalent federal laws and rules unless there are reasons not to do so.


To address risks associated with empty ballast tanks (340-143-0010), the proposed rules would adopt management requirements that are substantively equivalent to federal requirements established under section of the 2013 EPA NPDES Vessel General Permit.


The proposed rules that would retain ballast water exchange practices for a subset of high-risk vessel arrivals (340-143-0050) would add requirements additional to those in federal requirements for vessels calling on Oregon waters. However, the proposed rules are substantively equivalent to federal requirements established under section of the 2013 EPA NPDES Vessel General Permit that requires vessels entering the Great Lakes to retain ballast water exchange practices, in addition to meeting requirements for shipboard treatment technology. In order to adequately protect Oregon waterways from aquatic invasive species introductions, we have modeled our rules after the existing regulations that EPA developed for protecting the Great Lakes. Scientific studies have shown that the ‘exchange plus treatment’ strategy is highly effective at protecting freshwater ports from the economic, ecological and human health threats that can be associated with aquatic invasive species. Moreover, the proposed strategy does not require any additional equipment or technological investments by regulated entities that are not already required under federal regulations. Rather, it simply requires that under some voyage conditions, vessel operators are required to conduct oceanic ballast exchange – the same management practice that has been required for the past 15 years – in addition to meeting the new federal discharge standards.



What alternatives did DEQ consider if any?





Land use ORS 197.180; OAR 340-018-0070; 660-030-0005, 660-030-0075



There is a link to DEQ’s State Agency Coordination program on the Rule Resources section of the rulemaking SharePoint page and a copy of that document is stored in the Rulemaking Resources folder, under “land use.”


If DEQ determines a new or amended rule does affect land use DEQ must provide notice of the rule to the Department of Land Conservation and Development and anyone on the land use mailing list. DEQ accomplishes this by emailing a copy of this notice to DLCD contact person that includes:


(a) Evidence that the rule or program is a land use program; or

(b) Evidence that the rule or program affects land use and is covered under the Department's certified State Agency Coordination Program; or

(c) Evidence that the rule or program is a land use program including an explanation of how goal compliance and plan compatibility will be assured.


The State of Oregon has adopted statewide land use planning goals that are authorized under ORS 197.180 and listed in OAR 660-015-0000-0010. There are 19 such goals. The other aspect of statewide coordination in planning is that local entities must adopt comprehensive land use and development plans, called “acknowledged comprehensive plans.” State agencies must coordinate their efforts with the statewide goals and local comprehensive plans.


ORS 197.180 and OAR 340-018-0070 require DEQ to determine whether a new or amended rule affects land use as described in ORS 197.180. If so, DEQ must make certain determinations.


DEQ adopted a State Agency Coordination (SAC) plan that describes which of DEQ’s rules and programs affect land use or constitute a land-use program, and how DEQ will comply with state land-use goals and ensure compatibility with local comprehensive plans. Rules that affect land use are termed a “land use program” under the controlling statutes.


A rule or program affects land use if:

 The statewide land use planning goals specifically refer to the rule or program, or

 The rule or program is reasonably expected to have significant effects on:

◦  Resources, objectives or areas identified in the statewide planning goals, or

◦  Present or future land uses identified in acknowledged comprehensive plans

If a proposed new or amended rule does not specifically fall within the above requirements, it could still be considered to affect land use. If there is any question on this, consult DOJ.


If a proposed new or amended rule does affect land use, DEQ must explain how it will comply with state wide goals and ensure compatibility with local comprehensive plans. One way DEQ can meet this requirement is by showing the procedures in DEQ’s SAC adequately address the land-use aspect of the proposed rules. If the SAC does not address the proposed rules, DEQ must explain how it will otherwise meet this requirement.


Through the SAC and OAR 340-018-0030, DEQ determined its programs directly relate to the following the statewide goals:


 Goal 5 – Open Spaces

 Goal 6 – Air, Water and Land Resources Quality

 Goal 11 – Public Facilities and Services

 Goal 16 – Estuarine Resources

 Goal 19 – Ocean Resources


DEQ also determined three statewide goals specifically reference DEQ programs:


 Nonpoint source discharge water quality program – Goal 16

 Water quality and sewage disposal systems – Goal 16

 Water quality permits and oil spill regulations – Goal 19


DEQ adopted findings, through OAR 340-018-0030, that the following programs do have a significant effect on land use:



Department of Environmental Quality

State Agency Coordination Program

OAR 340-018-0030

Programs Determined to Have Significant Effect on Land Use

(1) Air Quality Division

(a) Approval of Noise Impact Boundaries for Motor Racing Facilities;

(b) Approval of Airport Noise Abatement Program and Noise Impact Boundaries;

(c) Approval of Notice of Construction;

(d) Issuance of Air Contaminant Discharge Permit;

(e) Issuance of Indirect Source Construction Permit;

(f) Approval of Parking and Traffic Circulation Plan.

(g) Employee Commute Options.

(2) Environmental Cleanup Division

(a) Issuance of Environmental Hazard Notice

(3) Hazardous and Solid Waste Division

(a) Issuance of Solid Waste Disposal Permit;

(b) Issuance of Waste Tire Storage Permit; and

(c) Issuance of Hazardous Waste and PCB Storage, Treatment and Disposal Permit

(4) Water Quality Division

(a) Approval of Wastewater System and Facility Plans;

(b) Approval of State Revolving Loan Application;

(c) Issuance of Onsite Construction-Installation Permits, Alteration Permits, and Authorization Notices;

(d) Issuance of NPDES and WPCF Permits;

(e) Development of Water Quality Wetland Protection Criteria;

(f) Requirement of an Implementation Plan to Meet Restrictions for Waste Load Allocations on Water Quality Limited Waterways (TMDLS);

(g) Certification of Water Quality Standards for Federal Permits, Licenses;

(h) Development of Action Plan for Declared Ground Water Management Area;

(i) Development of Nonpoint Source Management Plan;

(j) Development of Estuary Plans;

(k) Development of Oil Spill Regulations




Land-use considerations

In adopting new or amended rules, ORS 197.180 and OAR 340-018-0070 require DEQ to determine whether the proposed rules significantly affect land use. If so, DEQ must explain how the proposed rules comply with state wide land-use planning goals and local acknowledged comprehensive plans.


Under OAR 660-030-0005 and OAR 340 Division 18, DEQ considers that rules affect land use if:

 The statewide land use planning goals specifically refer to the rule or program, or

 The rule or program is reasonably expected to have significant effects on:

◦  Resources, objectives or areas identified in the statewide planning goals, or

◦  Present or future land uses identified in acknowledged comprehensive plans


To determine whether the proposed rules involve programs or actions that affect land use, DEQ reviewed its Statewide Agency Coordination plan, which describes the DEQ programs that have been determined to significantly affect land use. DEQ considers that its programs specifically relate to the following statewide goals:


Goal  Title

 5  Open Spaces, Scenic and Historic Areas, and Natural Resources

 6  Air, Water and Land Resources Quality

 9    Ocean Resources

11  Public Facilities and Services

 16  Estuarial Resources  


Statewide goals also specifically reference the following DEQ programs:


 Nonpoint source discharge water quality program – Goal 16

 Water quality and sewage disposal systems – Goal 16

 Water quality permits and oil spill regulations – Goal 19





DEQ determined that these proposed rules do not affect land use under OAR 340-018-0030 or DEQ’s State Agency Coordination Program.



DEQ determined that the following proposed rules (or all of the proposed rules) affect programs or activities that the DEQ State Agency Coordination Program considers a land-use program.










DEQ’s statewide goal compliance and local plan compatibility procedures adequately cover the proposed rules. TEXT








DEQ’s statewide goal compliance and local plan compatibility procedures do not cover the proposed rules.


DEQ will ensure these rules comply with statewide goals and are compatible with local plans by TEXT.





Stakeholder and public involvement



 Advisory committee


DEQ convened the Ballast Water Rulemaking 2016 advisory committee. The committee included representatives from local and regional maritime industry entities, advocacy groups, research institutions, and state, regional and federal agencies. The committeemet 3 times between December and March 2016. The committee’s web page is located at:


The committee members were:




Mark Sytsma, Chair

Portland State University

Jas Adams

retired, DOJ

Michelle Hollis

Port of Portland

Frank Holmes

Western States Petroleum Association

Ross McDonald

Sause Bros

Hans Meere


Fred Myer

Port of Portland

Amanda Hanson

Lower Columbia River Estuary Partnership

Kate Mickelson

Columbia River Steamship Operators Association

Dick Vander Schaaf

The Nature Conservancy

Travis Williams

Willamette Riverkeeper

Rick Boatner


Nicole Dobroski


Robyn Draheim


Michael Pearson


Allen Pleus




Meeting notifications


To notify people about the advisory committee’s activities, DEQ:

 Sent GovDelivery bulletins, a free e-mail subscription service, to the following lists:

◦  On DATES DEQ sent a one-time notice to subscribers to describe how to sign up for advisory committee meeting notices, and

◦  People who signed up for the advisory committee bulletin.

 Added advisory committee announcements to DEQ’s calendar of public meetings at DEQ Calendar.

 On DATES DEQ provided notice of meetings and links to committee information through postings on Facebook and Twitter.

Committee discussions

In addition to the recommendations described under the Statement of Fiscal and Economic Impact section above, the committee devoted a significant proportion of its discussion time to the ballast exchange plus treatment proposal. The committee played an instrumental role in developing applicability criteria and detailed exemptions that will make the regulations more adaptable to rapidly evolving shipboard treatment technologies. Moreover….

EQC prior involvement

DEQ shares general rulemaking information with EQC through the monthly Director’s Report.


DEQ did not present additional information specific to this proposed rule revision.


DEQ shared information about this rulemaking with the EQC


Choose one and delete the other options:


at a facilitated hearing on


through an informational item on the DATE EQC agenda


in the Director's Report on DATE.


Public notice and hearings




Public notice

DEQ provided notice of the proposed rulemaking and rulemaking hearing on DATE by:


 Filing notice with the Oregon Secretary of State for publication in the Oregon Bulletin on DATE,


 Notifying the EPA by email,


 Posting the Notice, Invitation to Comment and Draft Rules on the web page for this rulemaking; located at: RULEMAKING WEB PAGE LINK,


 Emailing NUMBER OF PARTIES interested parties on the following DEQ lists through GovDelivery:





 stakeholders on the


 Emailing the following key legislators required under ORS 183.335:






 Emailing advisory committee members,


 Postings on Twitter and Facebook

 Posting on the DEQ event calendar: DEQ Calendar


  Publishing notice in the following newspapers:

(choose the appropriate ones and delete the rest)


  East Oregon (Pendleton)  PUBLICATION DATE

  Register Guard (Eugene) PUBLICATION DATE

  Mail Tribune (Medford)  PUBLICATION DATE

  Klamath Herald & News (Klamath Falls)  PUBLICATION DATE

  La Grande Observer (La Grande)  PUBLICATION DATE

  Daily Journal of Commerce  PUBLICATION DATE



Public hearings

DEQ plans to hold NUMBER public hearing(s). The table(s) below provides the details.


DEQ will add the names, addresses and affiliations of all hearing attendees to the interested parties list for this rule if provided on a registration form or the attendee list. DEQ will consider all written comments received at the hearings listed below before completing the draft rules. DEQ will summarize all comments and respond to comments in the Environmental Quality Commission staff report.



Hearing 1





Address Line 1


Address Line 2




Presiding Officer


Staff Presenter


Call-in Phone Number


Call-in Phone ID Code




Close of public comment period


The comment period will close 4 p.m. on DATE/MONTH



Accessibility Information

You may review copies of all documents referenced in this announcement at:

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality

811 SW Sixth Avenue

Portland, OR, 97204


To schedule a review of all websites and documents referenced in this announcement, call RULE WRITER, LOCATION, PHONE NO. (800-452-4011, ext. 5622 toll-free in Oregon).


Please notify DEQ of any special physical or language accommodations or if you need information in large print, Braille or another format. To make these arrangements, contact DEQ, Portland, at 503-229-5696 or call toll-free in Oregon at 1-800-452-4011, ext. 5696; fax to 503-229-6762; or email to Hearing impaired persons may call 711.


   Formats used in this document Arial 14 bold, Text RGB 0-73-79, Box RGB 226-221-219






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