From: Max Hueftle
Sent: Wed Jul 30 11:49:32 2014
Subject: RE: amended titles
Importance: Normal
Attachments: image001.png; image002.png; Andrea and Robbye: Robbye is correct with regard to the Titles to be removed/included in the 2008 and 2010 rulemakings. For the 2011 rulemaking, please leave in (include) the titles as you described in your original message – both Title 42 and Title 44 were part of that package of amended titles. Thanks, Max From: Robbye Lanier Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2014 11:27 AM To: GARTENBAUM Andrea Cc: Max Hueftle Subject: RE: amended titles Hey Andrea- Some corrections: 2008 – remove Title 45 2010 – add Title 13 2011 – remove Title 42 and Title 44 I have cc’d Max in case he sees anything I may have missed. Thanks- Robbye From: GARTENBAUM Andrea [] Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2014 4:15 PM To: Robbye Lanier Subject: amended titles Hi Robbye, A second set of eyes is so helpful. Could you verify that I have the correct Titles listed for each of the three LRAPA rulemakings? I attached two screenshots to this email. Andrea Gartenbaum Rules Group Lead Operations Division Oregon Department of Environmental Quality 503-229-5946