From: CALDERA Stephanie
Sent: Thu Mar 27 09:13:40 2014
Subject: RE: records
Importance: Normal
Attachments: N_DieselStaffReport.docx; O_Addendum.docx; OpenBurn.docx; Requirements.docx; Streamline.docx; Hi Andrea, I keep the files and copies for all EQC materials in a folder on the director’s drive. Copies of the final Word versions for the two rules that went to the commission are attached – and I can always circle back to make sure your rule record files have the final/correct ones. I combined the LRAPA reports into one PDF, but the Word docs here are the final ones. Thanks! - Stephanie From: GARTENBAUM Andrea Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2014 9:09 AM To: CALDERA Stephanie Subject: records Hi, I’m creating rule records and wondering if there’s a folder where you keep final Word versions of the staff reports and proposed rules that we take to EQC. e.g. We have the staff report and proposed rules on Kevin’s diesel grant SharePoint page, likewise for my LRAPA SharePoint page, and I don’t know if they are the versions we gave to commissioners. I don’t see any edits from you in the version history, but I thought you took a last look for minor/final edits to the staff reports. Andrea