From: COLLIER David
Sent: Thu Mar 20 17:33:07 2014
Subject: RE: Call to discuss the LRAPA/ODEQ Delegation of Authority Language and upcoming submittal for LRAPA rule update
Importance: Normal
Attachments: image003.gif; image004.jpg; That would be me. : >) D David Collier Air Quality Planning Manager Oregon DEQ (503) 229-5177 From: GARTENBAUM Andrea Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 5:17 PM To: COLLIER David Subject: FW: Call to discuss the LRAPA/ODEQ Delegation of Authority Language and upcoming submittal for LRAPA rule update David, Please let me know if anyone in your section or you should participate on this call. EPA requests a conference call about LRAPA/DEQ delegation of authority. They requested me, Paul Garrahan and Jill, and asked whether other DEQ staff should participate. Proposed times for the call: Thursday 4/10 @ 11:00am - 12:30pm; OR Monday 4/21 @ 12:30pm - 2:00pm Thanks, Andrea Gartenbaum Operations Division Rules Coordinator Oregon Department of Environmental Quality 503-229-5946 From: Valdez, Heather [] Sent: Wednesday, March 19, 2014 4:36 PM To: GARTENBAUM Andrea; INAHARA Jill; Cc: HUEFTLE Max; Deneen, Donna; Spenillo, Justin Subject: Call to discuss the LRAPA/ODEQ Delegation of Authority Language and upcoming submittal for LRAPA rule update Hi Andrea, I am looking for the best time for to have a phone call with ODEQ and LRAPA. This is in regards to continuing work on the project where LRAPA rules will be submitted by ODEQ for incorporation into the SIP. This call would be to discuss in more detail, so EPA can come to a better understanding, the LRAPA/ODEQ Delegation of Authority Language, and the vision for how this relationship would work going forward. We will need to understand exactly how rules from ODEQ and LRAPA will work together and when it would be clear that ODEQ rules would trump what is in LRAPAs rules to aid in the review of the submittal that we understand you are talking to the EQC very soon, and expect to submit to EPA this May. It would also be good to begin thinking about any future changes, if needed to clean up LRAPA rules regarding the provisions that we cannot approve. If we are satisfied that the ODEQ rules, once those are in order with respect to the SILs and SMCs, do apply appropriately for LRAPA, then what would be best regarding the provisions that are on LRAPA books for SILs and SMCs. I have identified a couple of possible times below, and I have verified that these two times will work for LRAPA as well. Can you let me know if one of these times will work for those from ODEQ that I have included in this email. Also identify if there are other ODEQ staff who should be included. Thursday 4/10 @ 11:00am - 12:30pm Monday 4/21 @ 12:30pm - 2:00pm Thanks!! Heather Valdez Chemical Engineer EPA Region 10 Office of Air, Waste and Toxics 1200 6th Ave, Suite 900, AWT-107 Seattle WA, 98101 (206) 553-6220 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RICE Website, Engine Compliance Assistance Region 1 (New England) RICE Website, Engine Compliance Assistance Boiler Area Source Compliance Assistance Department of Energy Website on Energy Assessments Non-Hazardous Secondary Materials Boiler TTN Page Combustion Portal (compliance assistance for combustion regulations) P Please consider the environment before printing this message.