From: Rose, Keith
Sent: Tue Mar 04 15:06:41 2014
Subject: LRAPA Open Burning Rule Questions
Importance: Normal
I have questions about LRAPA's open burning rules (Title 47 adopted March 14, 2008) that ODEQ wants to incorporate into the Oregon SIP. Based on the Oregon open burning rules available on the ODEQ website, a previous version of Lane County's open burning rules is already incorporated into the Oregon rules (OAR-340-246-0160). So, is ODEQ going to incorporate LRAPS's new open burning rules into its state open burning rules, or has this already been done? Also, is this the first time that any Lane County open burning rule has been incorporated into the Oregon SIP, or is this action going to amend the SIP to incorporate a more stringent version of the Lane County open burning rules?