Sent: Mon Feb 24 12:05:10 2014

To: LANIER Robbye; HOUGH Merlyn

Subject: Draft agenda for March 19-20 EQC meeting

Importance: Normal


Merlyn and Robbye,

LRAPA is on the EQC’s draft agenda for 2:30pm on Thursday, March 20. This is for proposed adoption of the three rulemakings which add LRAPA’s rules to the SIP. As you know, we’d like LRAPA to join DEQ at the table to provide a brief description of the rules to commissioners. I recommend arriving by 1pm because commissioners sometimes get through agenda items more quickly than planned. I suggest we set up a time for you and Uri to talk about the presentation in the next couple weeks. If you want to do a PowerPoint (this isn’t required), we need to finalize it soon. Please let me know what questions you have.


Andrea Gartenbaum

Operations Division Rules Coordinator

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
