Sent: Tue Dec 03 15:53:22 2013

To: THOMPSON Michele

Subject: Web requests to publish Dec. 18, not Dec. 19

Importance: Normal


Hi Michele,

I made a typo on two of the three web forms I submitted today. Minor, but critical. Sorry L

They are:

1. WebForm.LRAPA.FED (aka permitting requirements)

2. WebForm.LRAPA.PS (aka permit streamlining)

3. WebForm.LRAPA.OB (aka open burning)

In the first and second forms, I entered 12/19 in the section “Do Not Publish Until”. This should be 12/18 instead. We want to open the rulemaking comment period December 18. We want the webpage and comment box live at that time. I created the last form correctly (12/18).

I submitted the forms today so you’d have plenty of time to queue them up before the publish date.

Andrea Gartenbaum

(formerly Andrea Curtis)

Air Quality Division - Rules Coordinator

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
