From: Spenillo, Justin

Sent: Fri Sep 20 15:29:36 2013

To: LANIER Robbye; CURTIS Andrea

Cc: Deneen, Donna; Suzuki, Debra; Bray, Dave

Subject: LRAPA submissions - follow-up and update

Importance: Normal


Robbye / Andrea,

As promised, I was able to sit down with Debra and folks here to discuss the delayed LRAPA submissions that we are expecting in March/April 2014. We have checked the titles generally and they do include all of the titles needed for a Part D NSR program. Donna Deneen will be reviewing these rules in further detail to make sure that they are approvable when they arrive. She aims to do this in the coming weeks. As of right now, we believe the files you sent via weblink a few weeks back should suffice for her review. I have a note in my calendar to check in with Donna towards the end of October and to provide you an update shortly after. In the case that we find unapprovable rules, we can discuss in October/November on the best way to proceed.

With regards to the open burning rules, we are not committing to review of these rules at this time. They are assigned to me, and my intention is to review them if time becomes available.

Let me know if you have any questions. Otherwise, have an enjoyable weekend.


Justin A. Spenillo - US EPA


Air Planning Unit

Office of Air Waste and Toxics