From: OLIPHANT Margaret

Sent: Thu Aug 22 14:25:31 2013

To: 'Spenillo, Justin'; LANIER Robbye; CURTIS Andrea

Cc: HUEFTLE Max; HOUGH Merlyn; Suzuki, Debra

Subject: RE: LRAPA Rulemakings - Redlined and Clean versions for EPA review

Importance: Normal



Is a week realistic for you? If not, let me know and we will adjust our schedule on our end. We don’t want to take something to EQC that is not approvable.



From: Spenillo, Justin []

Sent: Thursday, August 22, 2013 2:18 PM

To: LANIER Robbye; CURTIS Andrea

Cc: HUEFTLE Max; HOUGH Merlyn; OLIPHANT Margaret; Suzuki, Debra

Subject: RE: LRAPA Rulemakings - Redlined and Clean versions for EPA review

Robbye (and Margaret),

Thanks again for sending these along. If you and Margaret could give us a timeframe/deadline to look at these that would be very helpful.

We will be reviewing with a few things in mind. First off, we will identify which Titles/Rules we need for the Oakridge attainment plan. Secondly, we will also be identifying which titles/rules may not be approvable given the recent court rulings. And finally, given what we heard on the call, it may be worthwhile to see if there are any titles/rules to wait on submitting if they may be tied to the large ODEQ package next year.

Let me know if you have any questions or comments. I will keep you posted if we generate any on our side.


From: Robbye Lanier []

Sent: Tuesday, August 20, 2013 10:08 AM

To: Spenillo, Justin; Andrea Curtis

Cc: Max Hueftle;; (

Subject: LRAPA Rulemakings - Redlined and Clean versions for EPA review


The links below should lead you to the rulemaking packets you requested. Some are rather large. Please let me know if you have any problems with them or any questions.

2008 Open Burning –Title 47 Redlined

2008 Open Burning –Title 47 Clean

2008 Industrial Permitting Streamlining Rulemaking –Many LRAPA Titles Involved –Redlined

2008 Industrial Permitting Streamlining Rulemaking –Many LRAPA Titles Involved - Clean

2010 Industrial Streamlining Corrections –Final Updates to the 2008 Rulemaking –Redlined

2010 Industrial Streamlining Corrections –Final Updated to the 2008 Rulemaking –Clean

2011 GHG/PM2.5/NSR Rulemaking –Many LRAPA Titles Involved –Redlined

2011 GHG/PM2.5/NSR Rulemaking –Many LRAPA Titles Involved –Clean

I have also attached EPA comments regarding the rulemakings to show that reviews of the process were done at various stages and hopefully to show whom at EPA was involved. There is probably more information if needed.

Please let me know of anything further that will help the process move forward and reach EQC by December 2013.

Thanks and appreciate the hard work that went into the meetings last week. It was great to meet everyone and a great opportunity to discuss so much SIP information in person. I really found the day extremely helpful and informative.


Robbye Lanier


1010 Main Street

Springfield, OR 97477

541-736-1056 ext. 214

541-726-1205 (fax)