From: ROYS Jim

Sent: Fri Jun 07 10:29:03 2013

To: CURTIS Andrea

Subject: RE: LRAPA fiscals

Importance: Normal


Prior fiscal documents would be useful.

Jim Roys

Financial Services Manager

Oregon DEQ

From: CURTIS Andrea

Sent: Thursday, June 06, 2013 4:46 PM

To: ROYS Jim

Subject: LRAPA fiscals


I’m working on the fiscal analysis for the LRAPA rulemakings. You asked that we collect from LRAPA documentation of their fiscal analysis. In some cases, LRAPA states that they relied on DEQ’s fiscal analysis from DEQ’s rulemakings. In these cases, can we simply explain this in the fiscal, or do you need to see DEQ’s supporting documentation of DEQ’s analysis for the previous rulemakings?


Andrea Curtis

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality

Air Quality Division
