From: OLIPHANT Margaret

Sent: Fri May 03 08:53:58 2013

To: CURTIS Andrea

Subject: FW: Bundled LRAPA Stringency Review Letters from DEQ

Importance: Normal

Attachments: 2008 OB Stringency DEQ.pdf; 2008 ISR DEQ As Stringent Letter.pdf; 2011 GHG - PM2.5 - NSR Stringency Review from ODEQ.pdf;


From: Robbye Lanier []

Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2013 2:36 PM

To: OLIPHANT Margaret

Cc: HUEFTLE Max; HOUGH Merlyn; VICK Nicole R.

Subject: Bundled LRAPA Stringency Review Letters from DEQ


Attached are the DEQ stringency review letters.

There are 3 letters since the 2010 Industrial Streamlining Corrections (ISC) was essentially corrections to the 2008 Industrial Streamlining Rulemaking (ISR). I can look for another letter if it is needed as we worked with DEQ and EPA along the way and we may have one. Just let me know.



Robbye Lanier - Environmental Technician


1010 Main Street

Springfield, OR 97477

541-736-1056 ext. 214

541-726-1205 (fax)