From: OLIPHANT Margaret
Sent: Fri May 03 08:45:21 2013
To: CURTIS Andrea
Subject: FW: Bundled Rules LRAPA Website Announcement
Importance: Normal
Attachments: Website EQC Announcement SIP Bundled Rulemaking.pdf; From: Robbye Lanier [] Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2013 2:19 PM To: OLIPHANT Margaret Cc: HUEFTLE Max; HOUGH Merlyn; VICK Nicole R. Subject: Bundled Rules LRAPA Website Announcement Margaret: Attached is the web announcement we discussed on the phone that LRAPA plans to post for the public comment period of the bundled rulemaking packet. Everything is linked except the past comments and responses. I am working on that part now. This announcement gives a great overview of what is going on with this process. Let me know if you see anything that needs changes or that is missing. Thanks and look forward to working with you on this process. I will send the stringency review letters in my next email. Regards- Robbye Lanier - Environmental Technician LRAPA 1010 Main Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-736-1056 ext. 214 541-726-1205 (fax)