From: Spenillo, Justin

Sent: Thu Jul 24 11:08:08 2014


Subject: RE: draft SIP submittal - LRAPA

Importance: Normal


Thanks Andrea.

I think it looks ok. The main differences that I noticed were the addition of the “stringency” section, and the multiple adoptions that you mention below. With those, I think there were some documentation issues with past LRAPA adoptions, but were resolved with this go around (if I remember correctly, it was the Eugene Springfield LMP in 2012/2013 – right Robbeye?) so you should have all of the proper documentation for those.

So, yes, those documents that you have provided should be fine.


From: GARTENBAUM Andrea []

Sent: Wednesday, July 23, 2014 3:56 PM

To: LANIER Robbye; Spenillo, Justin

Subject: draft SIP submittal - LRAPA

Hi, Before I mail the LRAPA permitting SIP submittal, I’d like both of your eyes on the draft letter and attachment cover page. This submittal is slightly different from others because we had two DEQ rulemakings (adopted at the same EQC meeting) and three LRAPA rulemakings (adopted by the LRAPA board in 2008, 2010 and 2011). Let me know if you think these are missing anything.

Andrea Gartenbaum

Rules Group Lead

Operations Division

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
