Sent: Mon Jul 07 18:14:03 2014
To: PAPISH Uri; Paul Koprowski; HOUGH Merlyn; 'Spenillo, Justin'
Subject: LRAPA Open Burning SIP revision submitted to EPA for approval
Importance: Normal
Attachments: SIP Submittal - Updates to OAR Chapter 340 Divisions 200.pdf; Justin, Paul, Merlyn and Uri, DEQ is asking EPA to approve revisions to Oregon’s State Implementation Plan regarding LRAPA Open Burning rules. DEQ mailed the attached submittal to EPA July 7, 2014. This is your courtesy copy of the submittal. The Environmental Quality Commission adopted the revisions to Oregon’s SIP in Mar. 2014. The revisions became effective Mar. 31, 2014. With these revisions, the SIP meets requirements of the Clean Air Act section 110. Please let me know if you have questions. Thank you, Andrea Gartenbaum Rules Group Lead Operations Division Oregon Department of Environmental Quality 503-229-5946