Sent: Wed Mar 05 11:30:01 2014

To: COLLIER David; OLIPHANT Margaret; PAPISH Uri; PRESTON Gerry; STOCUM Jeffrey; WHITE Brian; Paul Koprowski; CALDERA Stephanie; HOUGH Merlyn; HUEFTLE Max; DOWNING Kevin; GARTENBAUM Andrea

Subject: Long HAMM ~ 4/12

Importance: Normal

Attachments: HAMM 12.5.14.docx; EQC March 2014 Agenda Item to add LRAPA Rules.pptx; Long HAM_kv0.tmp;


Good morning:

Attached is the LRAPA rulemaking presentation and the HAMM agenda for next week’s meeting. The agenda is a draft. If you would like to add an agenda item, there is room just let me know what you want to talk about and how long you will need. If no other items are added, the HAMM meeting will turn into a shorty. J


If you have any questions, please let me know.

