Sent: Thu Feb 27 13:50:31 2014
To: HOUGH Merlyn
Subject: RE: Meet w/ DEQ Mar. 5, 9-10am
Importance: Normal
Attachments: image001.jpg; DRAFT-LRAPA.Presentation.To.EQC.docx; Merlyn, We’re glad you can attend. Attached are draft talking points for the presentation. Feel free to edit them. It might be helpful to incorporate the concepts into PowerPoint at a high level (fewer than a dozen slides, no sentences). Consider sending the PowerPoint to Carol Thornberg before the March 5 “dry run”. I asked Carol to send you the call-in information for the meeting. Let me know if you don’t receive it and let me know if you have any questions. Andrea Gartenbaum Operations Division Rules Coordinator Oregon Department of Environmental Quality 503-229-5946 From: Merlyn Hough [] Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2014 10:50 AM To: GARTENBAUM Andrea Cc: LANIER Robbye; HUEFTLE Max; MARKOS Sally Subject: RE: Meet w/ DEQ Mar. 5, 9-10am Andrea: Yes, Max Hueftle, LRAPA Permit Section Manager, and I are available on March 5th at 9-10am to teleconference for the practice session. Max is not available for the March 20th EQC meeting, so I will do the presentation there, but Max will be invaluable for the practice session. We have our Operations staff meeting on Wednesdays at 9am, so we will incorporate this into our agenda for March 5th; it should be of interest to all of our LRAPA Operations staff (Robbye, Colleen, John, Tom, Beth and Max) as well as to Sally Markos, LRAPA Public Affairs Manager. Yes, we welcome your preparation of talking points. And would it be useful to incorporate those into bullet points on a few Powerpoint slides? Thanks, Andrea. --- Merlyn Merlyn L. Hough Director Lane Regional Air Protection Agency 1010 Main Street Springfield OR 97477 Office phone: (541) 736-1056 x216 Cell phone: (541) 285-3063 From: GARTENBAUM Andrea [] Sent: Tuesday, February 25, 2014 10:21 AM To: Merlyn Hough Cc: Robbye Lanier Subject: Meet w/ DEQ Mar. 5, 9-10am Hi Merlyn, I have two questions for you. Before each EQC meeting, DEQ Air Quality managers meet with presenters to practice and discuss any presentations for air quality agenda items. The Air Quality managers think up questions that EQC members might have, and offer suggestions for the presentation. Given that we have three LRAPA rulemakings going to EQC in March, is there any chance you could join the DEQ manager meeting on Wednesday, Mar. 5 from 9-10 am? I suspect this would take twenty five minutes of your time; you wouldn’t need to attend the entire meeting. It’s probably unnecessary to attend in person. Would you give a brief “practice” presentation about the LRAPA rules at that meeting? I’d be happy to write up some talking points for you, and I suspect a ten minute presentation is adequate to tell the story. Please let me know. Thanks, Andrea Gartenbaum Operations Division Rules Coordinator Oregon Department of Environmental Quality 503-229-5946 From: PAPISH Uri Sent: Monday, February 24, 2014 6:38 PM To: GARTENBAUM Andrea Subject: RE: Dry run for LRAPA Yes, and Yes. Can you suggest a Hamm meeting date for him to join us? They are each Wednesday. Uri From: GARTENBAUM Andrea Sent: Monday, February 24, 2014 12:18 PM To: PAPISH Uri Subject: Dry run for LRAPA Uri, Merlyn is presenting the LRAPA rulemakings to EQC at the March meeting. Would you like Merlyn to join an upcoming manager meeting for a dry run? Like Andy used to join staff, are you planning to participate w/ Merlyn at the EQC meeting? Thanks, Andrea Gartenbaum Operations Division Rules Coordinator Oregon Department of Environmental Quality 503-229-5946