From: Robbye Lanier

Sent: Tue Jan 21 11:10:58 2014


Subject: RE: Open burning rule changes

Importance: Normal

Attachments: Title 47--2007Amend-D11-JM.doc;


Sorry- here is the word version.

From: GARTENBAUM Andrea []

Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2014 10:54 AM

To: Max Hueftle

Cc: Robbye Lanier

Subject: Open burning rule changes

Hi Max, I’m looking for the redline/strikeout version of the open burning rules in Word – the version that reflects the additional changes made at the LRAPA board meeting.

I have a scanned copy of the proposed rules, attached, and it shows sticky notes of additional changes made at the meeting. I received a request from an attorney to view a clean version of the redline/strikeout rules, including the changes adopted at the meeting. I’ll need this clean version of the redline/strikeout anyway, to include in the SIP submittal to EPA. I hope you can track this down.


Andrea Gartenbaum

(formerly Andrea Curtis)

Air Quality Division - Rules Coordinator

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
