From: Robbye Lanier
Sent: Thu Nov 14 16:26:57 2013
Cc: HOUGH Merlyn
Subject: RE: Review DRAFT notice documents
Importance: Normal
I am sure that either Max or Merlyn will attend the EQC meeting in March depending on their schedules. I will look over the documents and let you know if I see anything that needs adjusting. I really appreciate your work on these and an very excited to see them go forward!
I believe Paul may have been referring to a question of proper public notification to all parties. This process will take care of any questions.
The letter of authorization for LRAPA to hold the hearings should be all we need for the Public Hearing from DEQ.
The timeline looks excellent to me. I only request you email me with the interested parties in case I failed to include my email on the list.
From: CURTIS Andrea []
Sent: Thursday, November 14, 2013 3:25 PM
To: Max Hueftle; Robbye Lanier
Subject: Review DRAFT notice documents
Max and Robbye,
Hi! I’m pleased to send you the key documents and plan for our proposal to add LRAPA rules to the SIP. I’d appreciate a quick review, mostly to help me ensure there are no errors. Also, one question: Is it possible for someone from LRAPA to speak about the rules at the EQC meeting in March along with DEQ staff?
I edited the documents you provided me and pulled out information that didn’t seem key for DEQ’s proposal. I’m the least familiar with the information in the PM2.5.GHG rulemaking. I’m giving everything to Andy for review tomorrow, plus additional outreach material required for rulemaking. Our advice from Paul Garrahan was to consider this rulemaking in light of events that have occurred since LRAPA’s adoption several years ago. I’m not all that familiar with what events might’ve happened in Lane County since LRAPA’s adoption.
Approx. 11/22/2013 DEQ will send LRAPA a letter authorizing LRAPA to hold hearings. This letter also includes a statement of stringency review for the PM2.5/GHG rules. (Draft letter is attached).
12/11/2013 EQC meeting – We’re giving EQC a brief update on the status of the rulemakings
12/13/2013 DEQ will submit a publication request to Secretary of State for Jan. 1.
12/16/2013 Open comment period
•DEQ will post the materials on its website. I’ll send you the links so you can post it on yours as well.
•I’ll send an email to the ‘interested parties’ that Robbye sent me, and DEQ’s rulemaking list.
•I’ll send an email to Legislators.
•DEQ will publish legal ads in:
•Register Guard
•Cottage Grove Sentinel
1/1/2014 Publish in SOS bulletin
1/21/2014 Public hearing at LRAPA, held by LRAPA staff. Let me know what, if anything, you need from DEQ to hold the hearing.
1/24/2014 Close of comment deadline
1/24/2014 I prepare the staff report. I might need input from LRAPA if we receive public comment.
2/6/2014 Staff report due to DEQ director’s office for submittal to EQC
3/19/2014 Propose for EQC adoption –
Please let me know if you think I’m missing something or have any concerns.
Andrea Curtis
Air Quality Division - Rules Coordinator
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality