From: Max Hueftle

Sent: Thu Aug 22 16:50:27 2013

To: CURTIS Andrea

Cc: LANIER Robbye

Subject: RE: LRAPA notices - update by August 23

Importance: Normal


Hi Andrea,

It sounds like we may not need to do the DAS form since these are LRAPA fees and we are not a state agency….as per a conversation today w/ Margaret, Merlyn, Paul and others. I figure Margaret would have filled you in but wanted to get back to you on this.



From: CURTIS Andrea []

Sent: Thursday, August 15, 2013 3:55 PM

To: Max Hueftle; Robbye Lanier

Subject: LRAPA notices - update by August 23

Hi Max and Robbye,

Thanks for working with DEQ’s forms. We had our fiscal folks look over the LRAPA rulemakings and I spent some time editing the documents. While I’m not completely done, I’m leaving on vacation so I will send these two to you now for your further review and edits where needed. We have an additional accounting form for fees. I inserted the questions/sections into the attached documents in blue font. I’ll be back August 26th. Max, please send me your feedback by the 23rd so I can work on these while you’re on your own vacation.


Andrea Curtis

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality

Air Quality Division
