From: Robbye Lanier
Sent: Tue Aug 20 10:08:01 2013
To: Justin Spenillo; CURTIS Andrea
Cc: HUEFTLE Max; HOUGH Merlyn; OLIPHANT Margaret
Subject: LRAPA Rulemakings - Redlined and Clean versions for EPA review
Importance: Normal
Attachments: Open Burning 2008 EPA Comments 2-7-2008.pdf; EPA Comments on LRAPA' s Draft Rule Cleanup; 2008 ISR EPA Comments 9-30-2008.pdf; 2011 GHG-PM2.5-NSR - Attachment H - DEQ Summary of public comments and agency r.pdf; Justin: The links below should lead you to the rulemaking packets you requested. Some are rather large. Please let me know if you have any problems with them or any questions. 2008 Open Burning –Title 47 Redlined 2008 Open Burning –Title 47 Clean 2008 Industrial Permitting Streamlining Rulemaking –Many LRAPA Titles Involved –Redlined 2008 Industrial Permitting Streamlining Rulemaking –Many LRAPA Titles Involved - Clean 2010 Industrial Streamlining Corrections –Final Updates to the 2008 Rulemaking –Redlined 2010 Industrial Streamlining Corrections –Final Updated to the 2008 Rulemaking –Clean 2011 GHG/PM2.5/NSR Rulemaking –Many LRAPA Titles Involved –Redlined 2011 GHG/PM2.5/NSR Rulemaking –Many LRAPA Titles Involved –Clean I have also attached EPA comments regarding the rulemakings to show that reviews of the process were done at various stages and hopefully to show whom at EPA was involved. There is probably more information if needed. Please let me know of anything further that will help the process move forward and reach EQC by December 2013. Thanks and appreciate the hard work that went into the meetings last week. It was great to meet everyone and a great opportunity to discuss so much SIP information in person. I really found the day extremely helpful and informative. Regards- Robbye Lanier LRAPA 1010 Main Street Springfield, OR 97477 541-736-1056 ext. 214 541-726-1205 (fax)