From: WILLIAMS Robin G
Sent: Thu Aug 08 15:29:06 2013
To: CURTIS Andrea; ROYS Jim
Subject: RE: Review LRAPA Notices by August 12
Importance: Normal
Andrea, I’ve reviewed the 3 notices. I made comments in the PM2.5/GHG only, highlighted in green with my comments/questions in yellow. Jim may have further (or different) comments, but he is out until Monday. I am out of the office beginning tomorrow through Wed. of next week, so if you want to chat, I’m here for about another hour.
Robin Williams
Air Quality Budget Analyst
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
(503) 229-5316
From: CURTIS Andrea
Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2013 2:57 PM
Cc: OLIPHANT Margaret
Subject: Review LRAPA Notices by August 12
Robin and Jim,
Would you two take a look at LRAPA’s fiscal analysis? Please check out the three Notice documents on SharePoint in the “team review” category (here) and add changes or comments. I’d like your feedback by Monday, August 12. The rulemakings are Open Burning, Permit Streamlining, and PM2.5/GHG.
We’re going to put the LRAPA rulemakings on public notice in September. We asked LRAPA to complete DEQ’s Notice template and update their previous fiscal analysis. DEQ will propose that EQC incorporate LRAPA’s rules into the State Implementation Plan.
Andrea Curtis
Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
Air Quality Division