From: ROYS Jim

Sent: Tue Aug 13 13:13:34 2013

To: CURTIS Andrea

Cc: OLIPHANT Margaret

Subject: RE: Review LRAPA fiscals

Importance: Normal


I’ve done a quick review, had some basic comments – nothing major. Would note there does seem to be a lot of blank fields or highlighted data needing updates still left in the document versions I reviewed.

Jim Roys

Financial Services Manager

Oregon DEQ

From: CURTIS Andrea

Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2013 12:00 PM

To: ROYS Jim

Cc: OLIPHANT Margaret

Subject: Review LRAPA fiscals


I’m relieved you’ll have time to look over the LRAPA fiscals. Please review by close of business August 14.

There are three documents on SharePoint at http://deqsps/programs/rulemaking/aq/lrapaSIP/docs/Forms/byCategory.aspx

· NOTICE-LRAPA.Industrial.Streamlining

· NOTICE-LRAPA.Open.Burning


These Notice documents contain LRAPA’s updated analysis.


Andrea Curtis

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality

Air Quality Division
